Operations of Alchemy – Suggested Books

Operations of Alchemy

To order a book, click on bookcover.

Sorcerer’s Stone (A Beginner’s Guide to Alchemy)

This the first basic primer on this subject, in which alchemy’s secrets and powers made accessible to everyone with the desire to experience physical, mental, and spiritual transformation. Citadel Press, June 2004. Illustrated; 240 pages. ISBN 0-8065-2545-2. $12.95. More Information.

Anatomy of the Psyche : Alchemical Symbolism in Psychotherapy

by Edward EdingerPaperback – 284 pages (1991)
Open Court Publishing Company; ISBN: 0812690095




The Tower of Alchemy : An Advanced Guide to the Great Work

by David Goddard

Paperback – 288 pages (1999)
Samuel Weiser; ISBN: 1578631130



The Emerald Tablet: Alchemy for Personal Transformation 
by Dennis William Hauck

Paperback – 448 pages (1999)
Penguin. ISBN 0140195718




The Alchemy of Transformation
by Lee Lozowick, Regina Sara Ryan (Editor)

Paperback – 185 pages (1996)
Hohm Pr; ISBN: 0934252629 



Alchemy and Mysticism: Hermetic Museum 
by Alexander Roob

Paperback – 712 pages (1997)
Taschen America; 382288653X



A Dictionary of Alchemical Imagery
by Lyndy Abraham

Hardcover (1999)
Cambridge Univ Press; ISBN: 0521631858



Alchemy Reference Guide

This handbook is an invaluable tool for those seeking to understand the profound and mysterious art of alchemy. It contains a comprehensive dictionary of alchemical terms, guide to alchemical ciphers and symbols, charts of alchemical correspondences, and a free downloadable TrueType alchemy font set with key code chart. ISBN 0-9637914-6-X 5×9-Booklet. $5.95. Item #847.