Conjunction: Purification of Earth
CONJUNCTION is the fourth of the seven operations of alchemy.
Chemically, it is the recombination of the saved elements from Separation into a new substance. In the Arcanum Experiment, Conjunction is symbolized by a nitrate compound known as cubic-saltpeter or potassium nitrate, which the alchemists called Natron or simply Salt. Blue-colored Natron acid (aqua fortis) was made by mixing potassium nitrate with sulfuric acid and was used to separate silver from gold. The inert residue precipitated from the acid during the reaction like a child being born.
Psychologically, it is empowerment of our true selves, the union of both the masculine and feminine sides of our personalities into a new belief system or an intuitive state of consciousness. The alchemists referred to it as the Lesser Stone, and after it is achieved, the adept is able to clearly discern what needs to be done to achieve lasting enlightenment, which is union with the Overself. Often, synchronicities begin to occur that confirm the alchemist is on the right track.
Physiologically, Conjunction is using the body’s sexual energies for personal transformation. Conjunction takes place in the body at the level of the Heart or Copper Chakra.
In Society, it is the growth of crafts and technology to master the environment.
On the Planetary level, Conjunction occurs when primordial life forms are created from the energy of the Sun or lightning.
According to the Emerald Tablet, “The Earth is its nurse.” Element: Earth. Color: Green (color of this page).
Planet: Venus. Metal: Copper. Play Conjunction Theme Music.