Hermetic Sciences
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Hermetic Philosophy
SORCERER’S STONE (A Beginner’s Guide to Alchemy) is the first basic primer on this subject, in which alchemy’s secrets and powers made accessible to everyone with the desire to experience physical, mental, and spiritual transformation. By providing clear explanations, moving meditations, and hands-on experiments making tinctures and elixirs, this beautifully illustrated guide passes on the knowledge and creative energy of alchemy’s magnificent discipline—sending a golden arc of learning from thousands of years in the past into your life today. Hauck presents a fascinating history of alchemy – from the ancient Emerald Tablet to modern quantum chemistry – and elaborates on its arcane principles in an intimate, conversational way that anyone can understand. His portrayals of individual alchemists (like Flamel, Fulcanelli, and Isaac Newton) bring them alive and show how they built on each other’s work through an “Underground River” of secret knowledge passed down through the ages. Citadel Press, June 2004. Illustrated; 240 pages. ISBN 0-8065-2545-2. $12.95. More Information. To order online, click on bookcover.
Gnosis and Hermeticism from Antiquity to Modern Times
This volume in the series in Western Esoteric Traditions from the State University of New York compares the roots and development of two of the strongest philosophical undercurrents the world has yet known. Both Gnosis and Hermeticism expose a world view in which there is a close relationship between mind and matter and in which the divine can be know directly by man. SUNY Press 1997. ISBN 0791436128. 402 pp. $24.95. To order, click on book cover.
For a complete listing of discounted alchemy books, visit www.Crucible.org/Books.htm
The Western Way
This omnibus is a combination of two books that deal with the Western mystery tradition. With practical exercises, the reader is guided through the perennial wisdom to find gnosis of the gods. The goal of this ancient tradition is to achieve the Grail, find the Philosopher’s Stone, and to reassemble the scattered Body of Light of which we are all a part. Penguin 1995. ISBN 0140194622. $13.95. To order at 20% discount, click on bookcover.
The Emerald Tablet: Alchemy for Personal Transformation
This book details the rediscovery of the mysterious artifact and reveals the chemical-spiritual formula hidden in its lines. Also contained are the alchemists’ startling predictions for the new millennium and chapters on the mystical and paranormal experiences that reflect the deep changes undergone by people who have actually seen the hidden reality of which the tablet speaks. Click More Information to see what others are saying. Penguin 1999. ISBN 0140195718. Illustrated; indexed; 448 pp. $16.95. Item #888. To order online, click on bookcover.
A Heaven on Earth : Human Alchemy Through the Practical Use of Universal Principles
by Jenka
Paperback – 174 pages Limited edition ( 2000)
Jenka Publications; ISBN: 1930580010
Magick and Divination
Archidoxes of Magic : Of the Supreme Mysteries of Nature, of the Spirits of Planets, Secrets of Alchemy, Occult Philosophy, Zodiac Sign
by Theophrastus Paracelsus
Paperback (1997)
Kessinger Publishing; ISBN: 1564591719
Condensed Chaos : An Introduction to Chaos Magic
by Phil Hine
Paperback – 192 pages (1995)
New Falcon Publications; ISBN: 156184117X
The Alchemical Tarot
These cards not only show the alchemical process faithfully but the accompanying book is full of insight and historical references. The images on the cards speak to us directly yet with great subtlety, and used wisely, this deck can be a powerful tool of transformation. Thorsons Publishing 1995. ISBN 1855383012. 160 pp. $32.00. To order online, click on package cover.
Mind Magic Kit
This kit offers a dynamic program of mental development that combines Eastern meditation with the West’s scientific approach. The kit includes an instruction book, audio cassette, and a handheld biofeedback thermometer. Llewellyn Publications 1998. ISBN 1567184758. 128 pp. $15.95. To order online, click on bookcover.
Sefer Yetzirah: The Book of Creation
This acclaimed book by Aryeh Kaplan guides the reader through the complicated terminology and principles of the cabala and connects that ancient tradition to the Bible, the Zohar, and dozens of other ancient spiritual texts. Samuel Weiser 1997. ISBN 0877288550. 424 pp. $22.95. To order online, click on bookcover.
Alchemy of the Word : Cabala of the Renaissance
by Philip Beitchman
Paperback – 364 pages (1998)
State Univ of New York Pr; ISBN: 0791437388
Paranormal Experiences
Looking for Aliens by Peter Hough and Jenny Randles
Looking for Aliens: A Psychological, Scientific, and Imaginative Investigation by noted investigators Peter Hough and Jenny Randles seeks to provide the definitive answers as to whether we are alone in the universe and if aliens have already visited earth or will in the future. The book includes testimony from quantum physicists, UFO investigators, witnesses to sightings, and top writers of literature about alien visitors. It is a deeper look at the UFO problem from science, psychology, and the power of the mythic imagination. This hardback book is not available elsewhere. To order, go to Order Form or click on bookcover. 241 pp; contains photos. $14.95.
Haunted Places: The National Directory
Intended as an experiential guidebook to the paranormal, it lists over 2,000 locations in all fifty states where paranormal activity is being reported. Included are UFO-haunted areas, haunted houses and businesses, as well as sacred healing sites. Such paranormal experiences are often expressions of alchemical transformations taking place in mind and matter.Penguin 1996. ISBN 0140257349. 486 pp; 100 photos. Indexed. $15.95.
The International Directory of Haunted Places
The amazing worldwide companion to the book above. To order online at 20% discount, click on the bookcover. Paperback – 416 pages (2000). Penguin USA. ISBN: 0140296352.
This definitive reference guide to investigating UFO sightings and alien encounters was written by Dennis William Hauck, one of the most respected authorities in the field of paranormal and mystical research. Includes a history of ufology, guide to classifying UFO encounters, how to detect and photograph UFOs, on-site investigation procedures, evaluating reported sightings, psychological indicators of alien encounter, reporting forms, and how to prepare for confrontation. ISBN 0-9637914-0-0. Comb-bound. This manual is not available elsewhere. To order, go to Order Form or click on bookcover. $9.95.
Angels and Aliens: UFOs and the Mythic Imagination
The place of “mythic horizons and imaginal realms” that the author talks about in this book is the realm Above of the alchemists, the source of mind and archetype. From that place comes all creation, including such borderline manifestations as UFOs and angels. The author shows that UFOs are “an idea at work in the world soul.” Fawcett Books 1993. ISBN 0449908372. 285 pp. $12.00.
The Participatory Mind: A New Theory of Knowledge and the Universe
This is a work of penetrating wisdom that deeply addresses the fundamental issues of modern society. Mechanistic values, though proven false by modern science, have become entrenched in our educational, business, and political institutions. This book restates the message of the Emerald Tablet in contemporary terms. Penguin 1995. ISBN 0140194797. 395 pp. $13.95. To order online at 20% discount, click on bookcover.
Poltergeist: A Study in Destructive Haunting
This book is a case-by-case examination of a wide variety of poltergeist manifestations and has become one of the primary sources in this field. While the author concludes the effects are caused by elemental spirit energies and are not psychokinetic in origin, the material speaks for itself. Llewellyn Publications 1993. ISBN 0875428835. $5.95. To order online at 20% discount, click on bookcover.
Echoes of the Soul: The Soul’s Journey Beyond the Light
Renowned psychic Echo Bodine’s soul-stirring odyssey to spiritual realms beyond the material world. She discusses how she gained her psychic gifts, life in “heaven,” and the different levels of the soul, as well as why the soul is sent back for rebirth in a school on earth in which death is our graduation. New World Library 1999. ISBN 1577310764. 224 pp. $12.95. To order online at 20% discount, click on bookcover.
Captain Quirk: William Shatner’s Close Encounter
This book details Shatner’s UFO abduction experience in the Mojave desert shortly before the cancellation of his “Star Trek” television series. It is the story of one man’s monumental ego confronting something greater than himself and how he came to terms with it. Pinnacle 1995. ISBN 0786001852. 300 pp; 33 photos. $4.99. To order online, click on the bookcover.