Alchemy Journal

The Alchemy Journal is a magazine devoted to the ancient art of transformation. It is published by the International Alchemy Guild (IAG) and Salamander and Sons. Each issue contains articles, color paintings, graphic illustrations, original alchemy texts, laboratory notes and experiments, sources and resources, interviews, breaking news, book and website reviews, current lectures and workshops, editorials, and more! For more information or to subscribe, please visit


For print issues from 2008 to the current issue, please go to 

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Ace of Swords: Seizing the Power of Discernment by Cheryl Lynne Bradley

Al-chemia Remedies: Tools for Transformation by Leslie Zehr

Alchemical and New Scientific Concepts of Transmutation by Daniela Stefani Hansson

Alchemical Art by Laurel Price

Alchemical Art by John Reid III

Alchemical Art: Blue Gold by Kattalina Kazunas

Alchemical Fire in a Glass by Jack Lantern

Alchemical Transmutation and Art by LIsa Falk

Alchemy by Rubellus Petrinus

Alchemy and the Radiant Rainbow by Alijandra

Alchemy in Spiritual Progress – Part 1 by Nanci Shandera

Alchemy in Spiritual Progress – Part 2 by Nanci Shandera

Alchemy in Spiritual Progress – Part 3 by Nanci Shandera

Alchemy in Spiritual Progress – Part 4 by Nanci Shandera

Alchemy in Spiritual Progress – Part 5 by Nanci Shandera

Alchemy in Spiritual Progress – Part 6 by Nanci Shandera

Alchemy in Spiritual Progress – Part 7 by Nanci Shandera

Alchemy in Spiritual Progress – Part 8 by Nanci Shandera

Alchemy of Dance by Leslie Zehr

Alchemy of the Afterlife: Ka, Ba, and Kabbalah by Jay Weidner

Alchemy: the Cosmological Yoga – Part 1 by Maurice Aniane

Alchemy: the Cosmological Yoga – Part 2 by Maurice Aniane

Alchemy: the Cosmological Yoga – Part 3 by Maurice Aniane

Alchemy: the Cosmological Yoga – Part 4 by Maurice Aniane

By the Graciousness of the Veil by Paul Hardacre

Cannabis: The Philosopher’s Stone by Lynn Osburn

Cooking for the Collective Unconscious by Craig Chalquist

Dark Night, Early Dawn: Steps Towards an Ecology of Mind by Christopher Bache

Distillation of Essential Oils by Rubellus Petrinus

Editorial by Duane Saari (each issue contains a current editorial)

Electrohomeopathy by Ajit Singh

Elemental Correspondences of the Fire Circle by Abbi and Jeff McBride

Emerald Operation by Herman B. Triplegood

Entfleurage Apparatus by Greg Schrum

Esoteric Perfumery by Gail Adrian

Extraordinary Pharmacy: Cohobation by Dr. Ajit Singh

Feminine Alchemy by Lindi Atkinson

Four Poems by Paul Hardacre

From the Fire by Dennis William Hauck

Fulcanelli’s Most Likely Identity Part 1 by Christer Böke and John Koopmans

Fulcanelli’s Most Likely Identity Part 2 by Christer Böke and John Koopmans

Gnostic Science of Alchemy Part 1 by Vincent Bridges

Gnostic Science of Alchemy Part 2 by Vincent Bridges

Great Alchemical Work by Rubellus Petrinus

Hermetic Meaning of the Sign of the Cross by Mark Stavish

Hermetic Significance of Planetary Changes by L. Dee and Roy Rohe

History of Alchemy in America – Part 1 by Mark Stavish

History of Alchemy in America – Part 2 by Mark Stavish

History of Alchemy in America – Part 3 by Mark Stavish

Homemade Alchemical Oven by Rubellus Petrinus

Interview with Rubellus Petrinus by Duane Saari

Life and Legacy of Hermes Trismegistus by Jamie McGraw

Making the Elixir of Yerba Santa by Lynn Osburn

Meditation on Paracelsus by Mary Hurst

Meditation on the Emerald Tablet by Janet Turner

More Alchemical Art by Laurel Price

Mystic in the Kitchen by Dorothy Bates

Nagualism and Alchemy by Jeff Owrey

Odyssey of the Heart by Durand von Meissen

On the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus by Janet Turner

Pelican: An Alchemical Poem by Rachel Lane

Philosopher’s Stone by Rubellus Petrinus

Planetary Attributions of Plants – Part 1 by Johann F. W. Hasler

Planetary Attributions of Plants – Part 2 by Johann F. W. Hasler

Planetary Attributions of Plants – Part 3 by Johann F. W. Hasler

Planetary Hours by Bob Makransky

Planets: the Stairway to Heaven by George L. Leke

Procuring Native Vitriol by Rubellus Petrinus

Review: Alchemy and the Alchemists by Sean Martin

Review: Alchemy Bibliography 2007 by Duance Saari

Review: Alchemy at Work by Cassandra Eason

Review: Al-Kimia: Mystical Islamic Alchemy by John Eberly

Review: Galaxy on Earth by Richard Leviton

Review: Green Psychology by Ralph Metzner

Review: Maranatha by Dennis William Hauck

Review: Monument to the End of Time by Jay Weidner & Vincent Bridges

Review: Philosopher’s Stone by Peter Marshall

Review: Pillar of Celestial Fire by Robert Cox

Review: Secret Teachings by Gene Kieffer

Review: Secrets of the Serpent by Philip Gardiner

Review: Seven CD by Seth Osburn

Review: Sexual Alchemy by Donald Tyson

Review: Spiritual Alchemy by Alex Hayden

Review: Tao & the Tree of Life by Eric Yudelove

Review: The Other Mind’s Eye by Allen Sargent

Spagyrical Homeopathy by Debasish Kundo

Spagyric Medicine and Vitiation of Blood and Lymph by Dr. Ajit Singh

Spiritual Capital by Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall

Symbolism of Antimony by Rubellus Petrinus

Tabula Sparagdina by Cathrine Glaschen

Three Gems of Alchemical Initiation – Part 1 by Lynn Osburn

Three Gems of Alchemical Initiation – Part 2 by Lynn Osburn

Three Gems of Alchemical Initiation – Part 3 by Lynn Osburn

Three Poems by Paul Hardacre

Transforming Reality Through the Arts by Coni Ciongoli-Koepfinger

Two- or Three-Liter Alembic by Rubellus Petrinus

Types of Plant Distillation by Elizabeth Swift

Universal Fire Circle Alchemy by Jeff McBride and Abbi Spinner McBride

Venus Transit of June 8, 2004 by Carl-Johan Calleman

Verdet and Calx of Venus by Rubellus Petrinus

What Is the Goal of an Alchemist? by Rubellus Petrinus


Please submit your book reviews, personal experiences, research projects, illustrations, laboratory methods and formulae, or anything else pertaining to physical, mental, or spiritual alchemy to editor Paul Hardacre at [email protected].

1. Topics. The following are the type of articles that appear in the Alchemy Journal: spiritual alchemy, alchemical techniques in psychology, practical laboratory work and experiments, history of alchemy and the Hermetic sciences, philosophy of alchemy, personal experiences in transformation (prose and poems), alchemy tinctures and elixirs used in health, translations of alchemical manuscripts, interpretations of drawings and symbols, announcements of alchemy lectures, interviews with alchemists, and reviews of new books or websites relating to these topics. Also accepted are articles about disciplines that use alchemical techniques such as shamanism and alternative healing modalities, as well as culture-specific alchemy traditions such as Sufism, Hindu Rasayana, and Taoist alchemy.

2. Word Count: Normal articles can range from 800-2,500 words. Longer articles are accepted but will usually be serialized in two or three parts. Interviews are from 1,000-2,000 words and photographs (or graphic files) of the person being interviewed are greatly appreciated. Poetry should be limited to under 20 lines. Announcements and reviews can range between 100-800 words.

3. Text and Style: Use singles spacing between paragraphs and one space between sentences. Underline book titles. Use quotation marks for names of journals and magazines. Use italics for foreign words or phrases. Use italics for emphasis, not underlining. If possible, use Arial for your font. 


4. File Formats: Please submit by email to [email protected] in a .doc, .txt, or other word processor file. Submit any illustrations as separate .jpg or .gif attachments. You may also mail your article and illustrations to the address below.

5. Queries: It is a good idea to query the editor on your article before submitting it to make sure it is relevant to the journal, or that a book you want to review, etc., is not being worked on by another writer.

6. Submissions: The preferred method of submission is by email to editor. Printed hardcopies of articles may also be sent to the Alchemy Journal, P.O. Box 22309, Sacramento, CA 95822-0309. Illustrations for articles should be sent as email .jpg or .gif file attachments or as full-size artwork to the address above. All materials submitted by mail must contain a S.A.S.E. for their return to you. Submission of material is considered permission to edit and publish.