Alchemy Journal Vol.5 No.3





Volume 5. No. 3

Autumn 2004


Electrohomeopathy and Spagyrism

An Archetypal Meditation

Jesus As Alchemist


From the Fire

Alchemy Lectures




From the Editor 




Electrohomeopathy and Spagyrism

by Dr. Ajit Singh


Inventor and Invention

The medical system of electrohomeopathy is an art of healing through herbs only. The inventor, Grafen Ceasre Mattei (Count Ceasre Mattei,1809-1896), who was an Italian to whom the title of Count was later bestowed by Pope Pius IX,  was very impressed by the art of healing of spagyrism and homeopathy. Due to the inspiration of these healing systems, he developed a concept of healing by following the principles of spagyrism and homeopathy in the name of electrohomeopathy in 1865 at Bologna, Italy. Electrohomeopathy, then, is a product of the well known, centuries old, healing systems: spagyrism and homoeopathy.

Spagyrism is the practical application of alchemy in medical treatment. The intellectual origin of spagyrism lies in alchemy. We can still find alchemical views and preparation processes today in Indian Ayurveda medicine and particularly in southern Indian Siddha medicine also.

In alchemical and spagyric methods, all of the plant’s components are separated from each other, purified chemically, elevated energetically and then recombined in the original proportion. In fact, the spagyric word comes from two root words meaning separate and reunite. The result of this process is the preparation, with holistic balance, of the original plants, as well as the original intelligence and life force of the plant, but with greater focus, intensity and healing potential. Spagyric medicines consist of the secrets of balanced powers and the structures formed by them.

Spagyrism and homeopathy are two different healing systems whose conjunction emerges in the form of electrohomeopathy as an enhanced and very effective healing system with respect to both of these healing systems. The medicine was known as “electric medicines” in the time of Mattei because he gave his medicine this name for its rapid effects. Mattei’s treatment spread in Europe in the second half of the 19th Century. By 1884, there were 79 distribution centers in 10 European countries. It goes without saying that homeopathic practitioners protested the bitter profanation of homeopathy by Mattei’s secret medicines.

Law and Principle

Count Ceasre Mattei described his prescriptions on the basis of the physiology of human organ systems. He stated that the human body is complex in its structure and function and no disease can be simple in its form.  He also stated that organ systems work in coordination within the body so, whenever a disturbance or disequilibrium happens, it leads to complex symptoms due to the involvement of the coordination of different organs and organ systems of body. Thus, the Master suggested a compound medicine to cure the complex symptoms which result from the malfunctioning of the biochemistry of the cells and tissues of the body. Thus, to cure the complexity of the symptoms of the body, Mattei advised prescribing complex, compound medicines in which he expanded the principle of homeopathy from “Similia Simlibus Curuntur” to “Complexa Complexis Curuntur”.

Another concept presented by Mattei is based upon the vitiation of lymph and blood. He argued that these two vital fluids are important and necessary for the health of cells and tissues of the body because only these two vehicles serve the purpose of nutrition supply to each proximal and distal cell of the body to keep the biochemistry intact within the cells. These two fluids are very good buffers that fight and resist the spread of any infection within the body. Whenever an infection is found in body, the root cause is always found in these two body tools, so they also mediate the transfer of the infection from one part of the body to another. Therefore, Mattei configured two specific groups of medicines to arrest the vitiation of lymph and blood which act as the preserver against the invading microorganisms of diseases. According to Mattei, “Life is in blood and lymph while disease is in its vitiation.”

Pharmacy of Electrohomeopathy

Electrohomeopathy medicines are purely herb based medicines and 114 plants are used in the preparation of these complex medicines. The medicines are prepared by following the three major steps of spagyrism: purification, separation and cohobation. The prepared medicines are prescribed homeopathically to the patient. In this way, electrohomeopathy is a complex art of healing with the effects of both healing systems – spagyrism and homeopathy. Mattei gave eight specific groups of medicine in addition to five “electricities”, also known as the electric fluids, which re mostly used in making a compress for the body points. Mattei classified the medicines in groups as follows:

Name of Medicine Action
1. Antiscrofoloso Group For purification of the lymph
2. Antiangitico Group For purification of the blood
3. Antilymphatico Group For lymph metabolism disorders
4. Pettorale Group For respiratory problems
5. Vermifugo Group For all kinds of infective germs as well as worms
6. Antivenereo Group For constitutional disorders as ell as for venereal disorders
7. Febrifugo Group For all kinds of fevers as well as for use as a nerve remedy
8. Anticanceroso Group For all kinds of cancers (benign as well as malignant)
9. Five Electric Fluids  
    a) Red Electricity Stimulant
    b) White Electricity Sedative
    c) Blue Electricity Antihaemorrhagic
    d) Green Electricity Pain killer
    e) Yellow Electricity Intestinal remedy

In addition to these medicines, there are 36 electrohomeopathy injections that were prepared by Theodore Krauss, one of the great followers of Mattei.

Electrohomeopathic medicines are the medicines of the new age and all these medicines have the power to heal sicknesses simultaneously and effectively without any side effect to the sick body. All preparations are true spagyric preparations and are also based upon the concept of alchemy, a very old method to prepare gold from other metals. Similarly, when we combine the different spagyric essences of plants, the formation of gold in the form of electrohomeopathic medicines heals sicknesses of every kind. This method of treatment is widely practiced in India, other Asian countries, as well as in the UK, Germany, Canada and the United States.

Dr. Ajit Singh practices electrohomeopathy and acupuncture as well as conducts research on medicinal plants in Punjab, India. He can be contacted at:[email protected].

In alchemical and spagyric methods, all of the plant’s components are separated from each other, purified chemically, elevated energetically and then recombined in the original proportion. In fact, the spagyric word comes from two root words meaning separate and reunite. The result of this process is the preparation, with holistic balance, of the original plants, as well as the original intelligence and life force of the plant, but with greater focus, intensity and healing potential. Spagyric medicines consist of the secrets of balanced powers and the structures formed by them.

An Archetypal Meditation On the Above and Below

by Ed Hirsch
The vertical (Yang, “Heaven”) and the horizontal (Yin, “Earth”) are primary differentiations of Unity (Tao). Together they form a cross, generating Above-Below and Inner-Outer, and the three archetypes I call the Above, the Within (the point of intersection), and the Around. We experience the One Presence as Transcendent (“Higher Power”), as Immanent within us (“Indwelling Light”), and as Immanent around us (“Universal Life”). In Christian terms, these correspond to Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but the archetypes are universal. They are finite, spatial metaphors for differentiations of the One (infinite, non-spatial) Presence. In practice, the three archetypes are correlated with the threefold breath (inhale, retention, exhale) and body (head, trunk, limbs).

First, experience each archetype as a meditation in itself, combining deep sensing (Earth), feeling (Water), breathing (Air), and visualizing (Fire). Simple affirmations might also be used.

Above: This practice is based on a sense of Aligning (or Alignment) with the One as Verticality (“One,” “I” and “Yes”). You can enhance this by placing the palms together at the brow with fingertips pointing upwards, extending the arms upwards, or by standing. Feel your whole body/being as “I,” and experience the levels of your being (including head, heart, and hara), all aligned as one with the One Presence. Inhale, receive downwards; exhale, release upwards. Or you might inhale, drawing upward from Below to Above, exhaling and receiving downwards.

Within: This practice is based on a sense of Centering, with the One as Center. You might use the hand gesture of placing the palms over the heart, or the palms together at the heart. Breathe and sense into the heart as a way of going into Center or Depth. Experience this as “I” that goes beyond the personal sense of oneself. Inhale, expand from Center; exhale, deepen into Center (or inhale, deepen; exhale, expand).

Around: This practice is based on the sense of Expanding to the Universal One, as a sense of All-Pervading Being. You might use the hand gesture of palms held up and facing outwards. Feel connected to the Whole, one with the Whole of Being. Inhale, receive from the Whole; exhale, release to the Whole (or inhale, expand to the Whole; exhale, contract to Center).

Three-in-One: Visualize the Above as a Sun or Source of Light above you. On the inhales, draw down its Light through the crown of the head, aligning with the Light. On the retentions, feel the Indwelling Light. On the exhales, release the Light in all directions, to all beings. You might use the three hand gestures with the three aspects of the breath in this meditation, or simply keep the hands still. In addition to visualization and gesture, you can mentally intone “AH” on the receiving of the Light (Yin) and “OH” on the releasing of the Light (Yang). Alternately, inhale and draw from both Above and Below into the heart, letting them blend on the retention. Exhale and radiate in all directions (Around).

The meditation might have several phases:

1)(Earth) Preparation: Draw in the Light, setting your intention; exhaling, clear a space by releasing tension and concerns.

2)(Water) Purification: Channel the Light to clear mind, heart, and body.

3)(Air) Service: Become a clear channel for the Light into the world, for the Eternal into Time. Freely receive, freely give.

4)(Fire) Unity: the Above, Within, and Around merge into One Presence. Abide in/as That.

5)(Ether) Integration: Combine all of these into daily living, as the practice transforms your sense of God, self, world.

The conventional sense of self and other, of space and time, of body and mind, are all transcended and negated, and then renewed as living forms of the One Presence. The personal “I am,” the “here-and-now” are transcended or emptied into the transpersonal “I AM,” the universal “Here,” and the eternal “Now,” and these in turn are emptied into the personal and practical. This happens in both formal and informal practice, even in the duration of one breath.

Ed Hirsh is a poet and researcher in alchemical meditations. He has a poem posted at Being and Relatedness. He can be contacted at [email protected] .

The conventional sense of self and other, of space and time, of body and mind, are all transcended and negated, and then renewed as living forms of the One Presence. The personal “I am,” the “here-and-now” are transcended or emptied into the transpersonal “I AM,” the universal “Here,” and the eternal “Now,” and these in turn are emptied into the personal and practical. This happens in both formal and informal practice, even in the duration of one breath.

Jesus As Alchemist

(Excerpts from Sacrifice, the Sanctuary, and Salvation)

by Collins Hamblen


Jesus — the Eternal High Priest.

How does the act of Jesus’ sacrifice then, some 2,000 years ago, help us in dealing with our sins now? Those priests were many because they were prevented by death from remaining in office, but he, because he remains forever, has a priesthood that does not pass away. Therefore, he is always able to save those who approach God through him, since he lives forever to make intercession for them… For the law appoints men subject to weakness to be high priests, but the word of the oath, which was taken after the law, appoints a son, who has been made perfect forever. Hebrews 7: 23-25, 28, New American Bible.

Jesus fulfilled the requirements of living a life according to the law and, in offering his life in sacrifice under the conditions that occurred, fulfilled the spirit and intent of all temple sacrifices and thereby earned his place in the heavenly sanctuary as High Priest. He remains there to act as an active intercessor to all who ask for His help. It is this active role that has an effect upon our lives today. He acts as an advocate when we approach God in prayer through Him. He is always available to talk to and to hear our concerns on a personal level, to offer help and advice through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. In contemporary terms, He’s always on call. He is available 24/7.

Notice in the passage above that despite what Jesus has done, there still is an ongoing obligation to approach God and to seek intercession. The following passages further describe the role of Jesus as high priest and intercessor. Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast to our confession. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has similarly been tested in every way, yet without sin. So let us confidently approach the throne of grace to receive mercy and to find grace for timely help. Hebrews 4: 14-16, New American Bible.

Therefore, he had to become like his brothers in every way, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest before God to expiate the sins of the people. Because he himself was tested through what he suffered, he is able to help those who are being tested. Hebrews 2: 17-18, New American Bible. With the guidance of our High Priest, through compassion and mercy, we come to a point where our hearts allow our eyes to see another’s point of view. This puts things in a different light and often allows us to release our anger and fear. As one of our modern philosophers states, compassion is the key to ending hate.

Sometimes I wonder why are we so blind to fate? Without compassion, there can be no end to hate, no end to sorrow caused by the same endless fears. Why can’t we learn from all we’ve been through, after two thousand years? Two Thousand Years – Billy Joel.

Time To Reap What We Have Sown!

God created a world in balance and gave us dominion over it. Through the exercise of free will, we have used our power of creation to bring the Earth to where it is now. This is the world we have created. What we are about to experience at the end of the age is our doing, not some judgment from God created at this time. God saw it coming and warned us, warned us about the kind of world we would create if we live outside His laws.

The harvest we are about to reap together is the result of the seeds we have sown over thousands of years. Each soul has its part in contributing to the chain of pain, so we all deserve to experience this together. So much comes from how we treat each other on a daily basis. As we exercise our will to get what we want, conflict sometimes arise. If conflicts are resolved primarily by the strong conquering the weak, then the chain of pain continues and builds. This only feeds the emotions of fear, anger and hatred. For the conquered, it builds and builds until one day the tide turns and it explodes in acts of vengeance, war and terrorism. Today, technology has empowered individuals. For better or worse, all now have the means to express their pain.

A better way to resolve problems is the way of daily sacrifice. We undo the chain of pain and bring balance into the world when we sacrifice a position to bring about compromise, when we feed a hungry stranger, mentor a wandering child, lend an ear to a sorrowful friend, confess a sin to the one wronged, cover for one who is exhausted, comfort the sick, help dig for survivors or devote time to prayer and communion with the Creator. This is the way to relieve the pain of others and ourselves at the same time. How many walk this path everyday?

As we approach the end of the age and forces converge to accelerate our growth, forcing the release of all suppressed pain, how many will take advantage of this rare opportunity and use the process to purge oneself and complete the path to holiness. Some will reach the point of living the way of unconditional love and thereby receive the seal of God. They will be illuminated with the light of God’s love. These people will surely be transformed and rule with Christ.

When the Messiah returns, it is upon His personal power, and all those who are one with Him, that the veil will be dissolved allowing all in physical form to witness the glory of the heavenly host. The Antichrist will be destroyed and Satan will be removed from this world. We should all be very grateful to Christ for what He is about to do for us. The dissolving of the veil, though, and the resurrection of the faithful does not make saints of those who are not. Our journey continues as we are all called to follow His way, the way of love. It will take the thousand years under His leadership for all to achieve holiness.

When we have evolved to the point of willingly expressing the will of God, of treating all with unconditional love, only then will we take our place in the heavenly court and no longer need to return to the earthly cycle once we have heard our judgment.

The victor I will make into a pillar in the temple of my God, and he will never leave it again. On him I will inscribe the name of my God.  – Revelation 3:12, New American Bible.

The way to obtain the Christ Consciousness is through confession and the practice of daily sacrifice. This is the process whereby we do maintenance on our connection to the Source. This is the process whereby we remove blockages, the stones that block the flow of the river of life. It is when we have removed our blockages and love with an open heart, without judgment, as a child does, that we will experience the kingdom of heaven.

Call for Spiritual Warriors

As we approach the end of the age, all the accelerated forces we are now facing are geared to getting people to face and process their blockages. All blockages, suppressed negative emotions need to be released. When issues are not processed in a lifetime, they can follow a soul into the next life, so people may be dealing with issues from past lives also. If one’s belief does not accept this as possible, then resolving it will be more difficult. When we don’t get our growth lessons through prayer and communion with the Holy Spirit, then it takes crisis to get our attention. These forces will continue to intensify, for we must be cleansed before we can exist in the same vibration as the Messiah (Dan 11:35, 12:10, Zec 13:9). This is the purpose of the tribulation (Rev 3:18, 7:14). If we had chosen the path of love and obedience and had practiced daily sacrifice over the last six millennium, then this baptism of fire would not be necessary.

We need to be spiritual warriors in the end-times and realize what is really going on. One has to wonder at the things people are doing these days. Is everyone losing their minds? Perhaps not. For many, they just don’t have acceptable ways to process their pain, so it comes out in unacceptable ways under pressure. Each person needs to evolve to the point of balance within themselves and then help others. We must all get out of our comfort zones and make ourselves available to others so that when they are ready, they may have an opportunity to confess and express their pain, rather than keep it suppressed inside. This can come in many different formats: confession to a priest, conversation with a friend, deep massage that touches the emotions, music therapy, art therapy, etc. Anything that helps to facilitate bottled up emotions coming to the surface and being expressed in an acceptable way.

Remember always that there is an army of spiritual help to call upon. Seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I invite you to accept Jesus as your friend, so that you will be able to ask for help. For who can ask for help of one they have rejected? Develop a personal relationship with Jesus, whereby you feel comfortable talking about whatever is on your mind. Use his blood, through prayer, to bring a proper sacrifice to the altar of your heart. Be a warrior! Confess well, empty oneself of self-importance and allow the unconditional love of the Holy Spirit to fill the heart. Do this daily and one will be guided to find the way to our inner sanctuary and peace. For it is at this place that one is most an individual and at the same point, one with the Almighty and everything that is around us.

(Editor’s Note: The following three excerpts were selected for two reasons. The article is too long to publish in its entirety; however, the ideas presented in the excerpts are related to alchemical concepts. While I want you the reader to confirm this for yourself, I offer some possible ways of seeing such a connection.  In the first selection – Jesus, the Eternal High Priest – God could be seen as the equivalent of the One Mind, Heaven as The Above and Jesus, the Intercessor, as Hermes. In the second selection – Time to Reap What We Have Sown – the focus is on the power we have to participate in the creation of the world (an alchemical principle) and our accountability for the world we have helped to create. In the final selection – The Call for Spiritual Warriors – the second baptism of the Philosophers, the Baptism of Fire, is mentioned. This call is also discussed as a personal relationship with Jesus which is very similar in many ways to the relationship described in “Pymander – The One Mind: The Vision of Hermes Trismegistus.” Collins Hamblen can be reached at Lion and Lamb Productions <[email protected]> . The entire article is posted on his website at .)


God created a world in balance and gave us dominion over it. Through the exercise of free will, we have used our power of creation to bring the Earth to where it is now. This is the world we have created. What we are about to experience at the end of the age is our doing, not some judgment from God created at this time. God saw it coming and warned us, warned us about the kind of world we would create if we live outside His laws.


From the Fire (by Dennis William Hauck)

The word “alchemy” is becoming synonymous in our culture with the idea of positive growth and perfection. Quantum physicists and psychologists muse about the “New Alchemy,” in which consciousness is seen as a force of nature – just as the alchemists believed. Leaders in such diverse fields as business management and software engineering are eager to apply the “alchemy” buzzword to breakthrough new techniques. Readers of the mega-selling Harry Potter series are spellbound by its magical characters and alchemical themes, which author J.K. Rowling freely admits she borrowed from alchemy books dating back over five-hundred years.

But alchemy goes back much further than that. Historians have traced its roots to the Amenhotep dynasty in Egypt – over 3,500 years ago. This ancient “spiritual technology” was always an odd combination of magic, religion, and science. It can best be thought of as a science of soul that sought to accomplish lasting perfection by working simultaneously on all three levels of reality (the physical, the mental, and the spiritual). To an alchemist, the success of an experiment depended as much on the quality of the physical substances as it did on the experimenter’s purity of consciousness, focused intent, and degree of spiritual maturity.

Changing lead into gold was only the outward metaphor of a larger process that involved the rejuvenation of the body, the integration of the personality, and the perfection of the human soul. Though they spoke of retorts, furnaces, acids and chemicals, the alchemists were really talking about changes taking place in their own bodies, minds, and souls. In our modern world, we have lost the magical connection to the universe that the alchemists sought to develop. Grown weary of New Age gurus and the spiritual supermarket approach to enlightenment, many modern seekers are starting to realize the authentic power of the ancient operations of alchemy.

However, where does one go to learn alchemy? There are no alchemists in the Yellow Pages; no modern university offers alchemy in its curriculum. There is not a single Hogwarts School of Wizardry to be found anywhere, yet that is what people are looking for. People in all walks of life are discovering that the images and methods of alchemy have great relevance in their lives. Beyond the merely curious and those attracted to the allure of the occult, there is a huge segment of the population seeking practical methods of personal transformation. Audience members often come up to me after my lectures and credit alchemical processes with altering their habits and lifestyles at a much deeper level than any other system they have tried.

Without a doubt, alchemy is coming back to life in the modern world with new terminology and powerful new applications. The ancient ways are working true transformations once again. The Alchemergy website at is devoted to just this kind of a rebirth of alchemy in the modern world. Please contribute your personal experiences, ideas, articles, and artwork on all aspects of modern alchemy. We are trying to make this new website a powerful resource and inspiration for personal and planetary transformation bringing alchemical principles back into the modern world.


New Releases

Sorcerer’s Stone: A Beginner’s Guide to Alchemy
Published by Citadel Press, June 2004. Illustrated; 240 pages. ISBN 0-8065-2545-2. $12.95

Reviewed by Alex Hayden

< To order this book online, click on bookcover.


The author of this book, Dennis William Hauck, is a practicing alchemist versed in both Eastern and Western techniques of alchemy and widely recognized as one of the world’s leading experts on the ancient art and the benefits it offers contemporary practitioners. Now, in Sorcerer’s Stone, the first basic primer on the subject, he makes alchemy’s secrets and powers accessible to everyone with the desire to experience physical, mental, and spiritual transformation. By providing clear explanations, moving meditations, and hands-on experiments making tinctures and elixirs, this beautifully illustrated guide passes on the knowledge and creative energy of alchemy’s magnificent discipline—sending a golden arc of learning from thousands of years in the past into your life today.

Hauck present a fascinating history of alchemy – from the ancient Emerald Tablet to modern quantum chemistry – and elaborates on its arcane principles in an intimate, conversational way that anyone can understand. His portrayals of individual alchemists (like Flamel, Fulcanelli, and Isaac Newton) bring them alive and show how they built on each other’s work through an “Underground River” of secret knowledge passed down through the ages. He also knows how to repeat concepts at just the right time to give them added perspective and new relevance.

Moreover, Hauck makes clear that alchemy is a means of personal transformation that enables you to meet your highest potential as a human being. Although the alchemists spoke in terms of vessels, furnaces, and chemicals, they were really talking about changes taking place in their own inner nature. They worked with the archetypal energies of metals to change their own “temperament” from lead to gold – to rejuvenate their bodies, integrate their personalities, and perfect the very essence of their souls. The bizarre drawings and cryptic writings of the alchemists refer to specific operations that work on all levels of body, mind, and spirit. Today, enlightened physicians and healers are demonstrating that alchemical methods can protect and rejuvenate the body and even heal brain and spinal cord injuries.

Complete with alchemical engravings from the Middle Ages as well as insightful charts and diagrams, this illuminating handbook will teach aspiring alchemists the true art of transformation. Chapters: What Is Alchemy? | The Golden Thread That Runs Through Time | The Principles of Alchemy | The Kitchen Alchemist: Making Tinctures and Elixirs | The Ladder of the Planets | Saturn’s Child: The Base Metal Lead | Jupiter’s Rule: The Courtly Metal Tin | Mars’ Challenge: The Angry Metal Iron | Venus’ Embrace: The Loving Metal Copper | Mercury’s Magic: The Living Metal Mercury | The Moon’s Reflection: The Lunar Metal Silver | The Sun’s Brilliance: The Solar Metal Gold | The Operations of Alchemy | Personal Purification | Becoming an Alchemist. The book includes an extensive glossary and resource guide. Order online at .

Alchemy Lectures and Workshops

A Day in the Alchemy Lab (Los Angeles, California. Saturday, November 13, 2004)

In this all-day workshop, you will be initiated into the mysteries of alchemy by practicing alchemist Dennis William Hauck. Using their original drawings and meditations, you will enter the sacred space of the inner laboratory and apply the same powerful operations used by the alchemists to transmute your personality – your “metallic temperament” – from lead to gold. Experience the mercurial mind of the alchemists. Learn to create the Philosopher’s Stone, an incorruptible state of purified consciousness where thought becomes reality. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to work with an alchemist – and journey with him to that hidden dimension where our true power lies! Hauck is the bestselling author of The Sorcerer’s Stone: A Beginner’s Guide to Alchemy and The Emerald Tablet: Alchemy for Personal Transformation. More information on his work can be found at his websites and . Registration is $40.00 ($30.00 for LVX Members) and is non-refundable. You may reserve your space by check or money order made out to LVX Oasis. Space is limited to 40 people – so please reserve early. To register, go to or email [email protected] .

Unconventional Convention  (Las Vegas, Nevada. November 18-22, 2004)

The Esoteric World News in collaboration with EWN Convention, Inc. will be hosting “The Unconventional Convention” at the Sands Expo Convention Center adjacent to the Venetian Hotel/Casino on the World-Famous Las Vegas  Strip, Five  (5)  Days, Thursday – Monday, November 18-22, 2004. Robert Bartlett is one of the featured speakers. Robert is a modern day Alchemist as well as a professional Chemist for the past 30 years. Robert now teaches workshops on practical alchemical techniques, teaching people how to create their own simple alchemical elixirs for greater health and wellbeing. These elixirs are “charged” tinctures created by the spagyric process which purifies the entire parts of the herb and recombines them into a “living medicine” that works on all levels. To learn more about this metaphysical convention, the first of its kind, please visit The Esoteric World News (EWN) is a long-established publication that features stories on metaphysical subjects from all over the world written by ordinary people who have had significant paranormal, psychic, UFO and spiritual experiences.  This Unconventional Convention will bring together top speakers and presenters from all over the world to address a myriad of mystical and metaphysical subjects. For more information on the convention, please contact: Lorraine DiFelice or Sandra Mosher at EWN Convention, P.O. Box 14446, Las Vegas, Nevada 89114. Email: [email protected] . Phone: (702) 289-7618. Website:

Send your event listings to the Editor.

“It has come to light, within my truth, and understanding of the world around me. That there is a new culture manifesting on the planet today. Since what I have seen within the knowledge and discipline of this rising culture. I have come to the conclusion that it is not contemporary knowledge, for my perspective has unfolded insights that seem to transcend contemporary spiritual teachings. Within the truth that I live, and the wisdom that has manifested because of the truth that I live. It seems that the wisdom and knowledge only reinforce basic teachings, but also seems to open a door, where if traveled through the basic teachings no longer apply. For me its like, the planet is going to evolve, within the new cycle any knowledge from the past that would be used to take someone to enlightenment no longer applies. Only the knowledge beyond the known teachings, will have any effect.


  • Jason Wolf – alchemist and artist – has opened a lively alchemical and hermetic chat forum for the public at . His website is full of hauntingly beautiful alchemical images that will stir ancient memories in anyone with an alchemical soul. He can be contacted at [email protected]
  • Writers Wanted! The Alchemy Journal is looking for articles on any aspect of alchemy, including biographies, historical materail, practical laboratory work, spagyric recipes, philosophical pieces, poetry, experiences in personal transformation, spiritual insights, Hermeticism, Gnosticism, book reviews, film and video reviews, website reviews, artwork, etc. Please submit your material or queries via email to the Editor

Send your announcements to [email protected] .


Feedback from Our Readers

“It has come to light, within my truth, and understanding of the world around me. That there is a new culture manifesting on the planet today. Since what I have seen within the knowledge and discipline of this rising culture. I have come to the conclusion that it is not contemporary knowledge, for my perspective has unfolded insights that seem to transcend contemporary spiritual teachings. Within the truth that I live, and the wisdom that has manifested because of the truth that I live. It seems that the wisdom and knowledge only reinforce basic teachings, but also seems to open a door, where if traveled through the basic teachings no longer apply. For me its like, the planet is going to evolve, within the new cycle any knowledge from the past that would be used to take someone to enlightenment no longer applies. Only the knowledge beyond the known teachings, will have any effect. And since the world is in the changing process, do you believe that there is a point where one has to say the past is the past, and the only knowledge that should be obtained should be of the future?  Now not to say old teachings are bad, but more in terms like, people seem to place within the knowledge when, what, where and why. And seem to associate old teachings with old times. Although no one can really know till they have the experience. I see it as wisdom evolves and with in that, in the past many things could not be explained. And with things like quantum physics, old belief systems break down. Not saying that I’m taking out the divine, but within the scientific arena to keep the divine and to understand the universe from old truths applied and accepted through experience. It seems in the past wisdom would get you killed, in the age that we live in today such experiences no longer have the mystical appreciation, for there is no resistance on such a profound level. But because of that do you think that the knowledge that is emerging should be keep within the flock? Or just unleash it onto the world, and see what happens.” – Kevin Sevall <[email protected]>

“Kevin: I certainly agree with you in that the ancient teachings must be made accessible to modern people. The problem is you cannot present them to a culture that has advanced 5,000 years and has a entirely different perspective of nature. The alchemists said over and over again that the teachings must be a LIVING philosophy, that is alive in the heart. Only then do the teachings become a Stone, which can lead to amazing transformation. The Stone is that set of truths that are true and operate on every level of reality. The Stone, in my view, is a philosophical touchstone, a universal formula or attitude that can be applied to all situations. We have that in the ancient teachings, but it has yet not been carried through to the world. It is there in magic, the occult, Tarot, alchemy, and all the Hermetic sciences — but is it living in the human heart today? Very rarely has it taken root. That is why I am seeking a new alchemy, which I call “Alchemergy” that is designed to live and grow in the modern mind. More .” – Dennis W. Hauck <[email protected]>
Send your comments to [email protected].



From the Editor (by Duane Saari)

Time has been on my mind more than usual lately. The Fall Equinox just came and went.  Many daily events as well as my meditations and recent readings continually remind me that the End of Time as we know it has been predicted by most ancient cultures to occur in less than a decade in 2012.

Time is essential to alchemy and the Work. It is at the core of the secrets of the Art. The most propitious time for the Work to begin is in the spring near the Spring Equinox. The movements of the planets, Sun and Moon – the basis of how we measure and keep track of time – is at the heart of many alchemical practices. Most of our laboratory procedures and our alchemical meditation practices are linked to an ideal starting time based on the waxing and waning of the influences of particular planets, the Sun and the Moon. Planetary charts that identify the correct time to begin a procedure or prepare for transmutation are important tools or knowledge for all Philosophers of the Art. Timing is everything to an alchemist.

Such timing is at the heart of one of the most ancient of alchemical documents found – “Isis the Prophetess to her Son Horus” – a fragment of a Greek text dated to the beginning of the first millennium A.D. In this text, Isis tells Horus, when he returns from his battle with Set to avenge the murder of his father, Osiris, what she has learned about alchemy. Key to her revelation of alchemical secrets is “the necessary movement of the heavenly spheres.” Isis was not able to learn these secrets until the time was right. The Greek text tells us that Isis shared her newly discovered secrets with her son and taught him the three-fold transformation of alchemy.

Is one of these secrets our special relationship with time and the movements in the sky above us? This relationship seems limited now. We keep track of time’s passing and scheduling our lives based on a common agreement of how to count the hours and days. Perhaps, we need to rethink this relationship and ask ourselves: “Is there more for me to learn and know?” As alchemists, we work to achieve and support the Marriage of the Sun and Moon.  Perhaps, we can also strive to form a Partnership with the Dance of Heavenly Bodies.

Future articles of the Journal will explore the possibilities of this partnership.

Time is essential to alchemy and the Work. It is at the core of the secrets of the Art. The most propitious time for the Work to begin is in the spring near the Spring Equinox. The movements of the planets, Sun and Moon – the basis of how we measure and keep track of time – is at the heart of many alchemical practices. Most of our laboratory procedures and our alchemical meditation practices are linked to an ideal starting time based on the waxing and waning of the influences of particular planets, the Sun and the Moon. Planetary charts that identify the correct time to begin a procedure or prepare for transmutation are important tools or knowledge for all Philosophers of the Art. Timing is everything to an alchemist.


Submit your articles on any aspect of alchemy. We are looking for biographies, historical articles, practical laboratory work, spagyric recipes, philosophical pieces, experiences in personal transformation, spiritual insights, Hermeticism, Gnosticism, book reviews, film and video reviews, website reviews, artwork, etc. Please submit your material or queries via email to [email protected]


The Alchemy Journal is published quarterly at the annual solstices and equinoxes. Issues are posted at the Alchemy Lab website on the journal archives page at This page also contains a Directory of Past Issues and an Index of Articles. To subscribe to the journal, simply send a blank email to [email protected]