Alchemy Journal Vol.6 No.3

Vol.6 No.3

Autumn 2005



The Red Rock (Interview)

Alchemy of Dance

The Concept of Transmutation


New Releases




From the Editor 




The Red Rock: An Interview with Rubellus Petrinus

By Duane Saari

This publication is a virtual space to explore alchemy – its roots and history, the teachings of its Masters, the laboratory practice of the Art, new ideas or perspectives presented by authors of these times, and applications of the Great Work to the world we live in today. Four issues each year, during the time of the equinoxes and solstices, offer articles to inform you, surprise you, challenge your assumptions, and peal away the wallpaper, scaffolding and facades that have accumulated in your world. While these articles contain a far ranging perspective on alchemy, each is ultimately about a person: an author, a practitioner, an artist, an individual with a unique view. At this time – the time of the Fall Equinox and its thrust into darkness that is the source of the Great Work – it seems appropriate to introduce you to an Alchemist. After all, what is our Art other than the passion, work, and sacrifice of the people keeping it alive, making it happen, passing it on. This Alchemist lives in Portugal, is a young 74 years of age, still works in his laboratory, has written a book about spagyrics, is looking for a publisher to turn his current manuscript into a book, and has a granddaughter. His name is Rubellus Petrinus, and he agreed to an interview by email and telephone. His comments follow my questions or requests, which are in bold font. Listen carefully, then, to a voice of the Art.

What is the purpose of a nom de plume for an alchemist and please tell me why you choose the nom de plume of Rubellus Petrinus?

It is the tradition from the ancient times of alchemy. After a visit to the Spanish alchemist Simón H., who worked on the cinnabar path, I remembered that cinnabar in Latin would be very interesting nom de plume: rubellus (red) petrinus (rock).

Are you willing to share your given name; if so, what is it?

You ask me if I share my name? I think not because I like my name – Rubellus Petrinus .

You were born in Braganca, Portugal. Did you have any experiences in your childhood, or discover something, that started you thinking about alchemy?

In my childhood in Bragança, I studied and took an industrial course. I also studied electronics. I did not know even the word alchemy but I remember that, in that time, I did not have galena ore to make a detector for my receiver. I made it with sulfur and lead in a pills glass tube putting it on fire and, after melting it, crystallized artificial galena.

You went to Angola In 1951.

Yes, I went to Angola because in my country it was difficult to obtain a steady job in the time of the Great War and I returned to Portugal in 1975.

Why did you become an alchemist?

When I was in Angola, I read the book by Jacques Bergier, The Morning of the Magicians.

What did you learn about alchemy from The Morning of the Magicians?

I did not learn anything of alchemy because this is not what Bergier was teaching. The book did awaken my curiosity about Fulcanelli and I read all his books. They are very complicated.

If Fulcanelli and other Masters were here today, would they say something very different about alchemy now or practice new laboratory procedures that did not exist in the past?

Yes, some alchemists today work with modern lab equipment and simplify the work on alchemy, but this equipment is very expensive and one needs a great chemical knowledge. Therefore, I suggest that people work with glassware like that used by the ancient alchemists and their crude materials too.

You have said that alchemy includes the practice of laboratory procedures and the discoveries that come from this work. What does one learn in the laboratory that cannot be learned or discovered by reading?

This is a very interesting question. One reads an alchemy book and the modus operandi. If one understands it, he tries with the suitable but crude material and some times – most times – the results are quite different from what the book says. Therefore, some times in a forum people talk about alchemy without having tried it. Is it possible for someone to talk about something that he hasn’t done?

You were born on March 25 and astrologically you are an Aries which is a fire sign often associated with initiation and beginnings. Does astrology hold a special meaning for your work in alchemy?

I don’t believe in Astrology but the astral influences, above all the Moon’s polarized light in the Spring, are very important in the work of alchemy.

Many of the Masters seemed to work by themselves. At the same time, there are accounts of alchemists working together. Is working with a group of fellow alchemists helpful?

Yes, it is helpful if all the people in the group understand what the more advanced talk is about.

What was the Solazaref Filiation in France and why was it so important for you?

In Portugal, I knew a Solazaref disciple; therefore, I was curious to know the Filiation personally. When I traveled to France, Solazaref was a great master but he was not very accessible for beginners. It was there that I saw, for the first time, work being done on the true alchemy, above all, in the dry, antimony path. Currently, it looks like the Filiation doesn’t exist any more.

Where are centers of alchemical study and work located today?

I know many of the best people in alchemy around the world, but I do not know of any centers. It looks like some places are teaching the easiest parts of alchemy and some don’t teach the true alchemy, only spagyrics.

Why is a Master necessary to learn alchemy?

Because there are things that you read in the alchemy books but do not understand until it is done in practice. For example, in the antimony dry path – that I can explain step by step in writing – without seeing the work done, it will be very difficult for you to do the work properly.

How can someone find a Master to learn from and work with today?

This isn’t an easy task. Some people will share with you, but they work alone. Most people that work on true alchemy normally don’t talk about it in the forums or, if they do talk, it isn’t in plain language. They talk only with people that have the same alchemy knowledge or in very special forums like our forum: El-alquimista which is only for working alchemists. But this forum is for Portuguese and Spanish speakers. I created an international, very special forum like the El-alquimista in English but it didn’t work so I ended it.

Can a Master work by himself or herself?

Yes, but he or she needs great alchemical knowledge and understanding of the true alchemical books of the great Masters, laboratory experience, the suitable glassware for wet path or a suitable furnace for dry path. And, even if this is so, there are many problems that he or she will not be able to resolve.

There is much discussion, and some debate, about the beginnings of alchemy. What do you believe were the origins of alchemy?

This isn’t truly known. The Arabic people worked on alchemy according to Geber. The Chinese and the Hindu did the same. The Arabic people worked with antimony and the other people with cinnabar. Why is this?  So, we don’t know exactly the origins of alchemy.

If we do not know the origin of alchemy, do we know what the purpose of alchemy was in ancient times and what its purpose is today?

Well, in ancient times alchemy was the search for gold or silver transmutation, but presently my purpose is the Universal Medicine. If we are able to do it, this would be much more valuable than the gold!

Timing is important, even necessary, in most alchemical procedures. Is alchemy also related to time as expressed in longer epochs such as the 25,920 year cycle of the Great Solar Year?

I don’t know exactly because, for me, lunar and cosmic radiation is more important in alchemy. It isn’t an easy task to understand the application, in the right way, of cosmic radiation as quoted in Hermes Unveiledby Ciliany.

What contributions are made by alchemy to society today?

The best would be the Universal Medicine. But there are some spagyrical medicines that are very important in medicine, above all the vegetable because some of the metallic are very dangerous and only a people with great experience are able to make it. Supervision with a doctor also holds true for this treatment.

What do you believe is the greatest misunderstanding about alchemy?

It may be the bad interpretation of alchemy books because some were written by people that do not have enough alchemy knowledge and the ancient books aren’t easy to understand. Some of these new books look like they aren’t true.

Tell me about your first book – Espagiria Alquimica.

This book was published in Spanish and will be a great help for beginners that wish to learn alchemy because spagyrics is the first step in alchemy. It is a true spagyrical course starting with ovens, glassware, spagyrics – vegetable and metallic – with a lot of colored images. From what I know of the several spagyric books published until now, I have written a different book.

What is the message of your recent manuscript: A Grande Obra Alquimica?

I tried in this book to explain symbolically and in practice the work of three great classical alchemists – Philalethes, Flamel and Basil Valentine. I have not yet achieved these paths because I do not have the suitable lab conditions and, with the amalgam way, you need a lot of gold which is very expensive now. To try the Basil Valentine path, a suitable, special retort to distill vitriol is needed such as the one I saw in the Solazaref Filiation. So, the purpose of this book is to show people that the symbolic images of alchemy agree with its material and modus operandi. The publisher I have been working with for two years has not yet published the book so I am looking for another publisher.

Your web site ( has a great deal of information and many links about alchemy. What are you trying to accomplish with your web site?

I know that the alchemy it is very difficult to understand so, in my site, I try to explain in plain language some things that never were explained before. Many people have written me and thanked me for it. In my site, one can find the best alchemy books, symbology, the glassware, and the modus operandi. I edited it in six languages with the help of good friends and brothers in the Art. In the alchemist forum in Files and Photos there is a lot of alchemy information with good images. I remember the difficulties that I have had and I’m very happy to help other brothers in the Art.

What is the significance of the Black Madonna & Child on the home page of your site and what is their connection to the Great Work?

This is a very interesting observation. This image comes from a Spanish card. The Black Virgin symbolizes the first matter of the dry path that is: black ore or antimony.

When the image of the Pilgrim’s Shell on your site is selected, three images of Santiago de Compostela are shown. Why do you have these images on your site and how are they related to alchemy?

These images were taken by me in Santiago de Compostela when I traveled to this city. Whoever has read Flamel’s book remembers the pilgrimage that he took to Santiago de Compostela. In Europe, there are some ways from France and Portugal to Santiago called Santiago Ways. St. Santiago is the alchemist patron saint and the symbol of the pilgrimage is the “Vieira” (scallop-shell).

You stated on your web site that you have not finished the Great Alchemical Work. Do you believe you will complete it?

Frankly speaking I don’t know. I worked deeply in several alchemical paths with the suitable raw matters and the result was not what the authors of books claim. Why? I don’t know. Some people tell me that I take the texts to the letter and therefore the results aren’t right but when I read what they wrote in the forums I see that they don’t know more than me. Some are great chemists (alchemists) but I don’t see from them any result about the Great Work. After many years of work on alchemy, some times working with dangerous matters like ammonium nitrate, etc, I’m convinced that the secret is the “Alkahest” or the universal dissolvent. I tried making it following Van Helmont, but the result wasn’t what he claims in his text and I worked with suitable raw matters and suitable glassware. I think, and I said it sometimes in several forums, that the first matter will be a simple one that we can find in any place like iron clay. But the main secret will be always the dissolvent or the “Alkahest.”

Looking back on your life, what would you do different in your approach to the Great Work?

It would be the same; although actually I have much more alchemy knowledge and lab practice and know the best modern alchemists of world.

Is there something you would like to say to our readers many of whom are not practicing alchemists but very interested in learning more about the Art?

Yes, if they believe in alchemy, first study spagyrics and the ancient books of chemistry (spagyrics) like Lemery or Glaser to understand the alchemical language of ancient books that can be found in The-Alchemist forum files in my web site. After this, purchase suitable glassware and electric plates, and work carefully comparing the symbolism with the practice and the results in the lab. Remember, do the ancient work with common glassware and raw matters – not synthetic ones. Never perform any lab operation if they aren’t sure what will happen. Alchemy is like chemistry but also quite different. The reactions are the same and if one doesn’t know what he is doing, he puts his life and those people near him in danger. I suggest that all people interested in alchemy subscribe to an alchemy forum and exchange information about the alchemical procedures they are using with the other people that have more expertise. Good work.

Thank you, Rubellus Petrinus.

Rubellus Petrinus can be contacted by email at: [email protected]. His website is at

I don’t believe in Astrology but the astral influences, above all the Moon’s polarized light in the Spring, are very important in the work of alchemy.

I know that the alchemy it is very difficult to understand so, in my site, I try to explain in plain language some things that never were explained before. Many people have written me and thanked me for it. In my site, one can find the best alchemy books, symbology, the glassware, and the modus operandi. I edited it in six languages with the help of good friends and brothers in the Art. In the alchemist forum in Files and Photos there is a lot of alchemy information with good images. I remember the difficulties that I have had and I’m very happy to help other brothers in the Art.


The Alchemy of Dance

By Leslie Zehr

Alchemy can take many forms. In essence, it is the process of transformation or transmutation. Like an algebraic equation it is very basic, yet fixed. As we insert an infinite number of variables, we arrive at infinite possible outcomes; yet all of them have passed through the same process or equation. The fact that it is so basic is what makes alchemy applicable to everything around us.

The period of time in which we are living is a very significant period in history. We are approaching the end of a great spiritual cycle. We are in the ‘quickening’ phase just before birth. People are going through huge spiritual transformations in order to prepare for this birth. It is only natural that many new forms of “alchemy” arise aiding us in this transition. Each individual constitutes a variable; using our equation, each person can attain the gold in their own personal way.

Alchemy need not be restricted to the lab; we can find it “in vivo” in all aspects of life. The Alchemy of Dance is a process of transformation by the transmutation of energy and spiritual awareness through movement. In this type of alchemy, the body, and more specifically the womb, becomes the alchemical vessel. This is merely the first phase of a larger process called the Universal Dancer, smaller cycles within a larger cycle creating the spiral to the infinite.

The last card of the Tarot, the Universe, is often referred to as the Universal Dancer. It is the point where we are fully integrated with all of life and dance with the Universe. In the Alchemy of Dance, the first stage of Universal Dancer, we explore the feminine side of this aspect. We do this by dancing the subtle earth rhythms and reconnecting with the divine feminine through Sacred Dance. The woman prepares her body to become the vessel, the primordial waters for birthing the masculine or manifested (Self/Horus).

The origins of Sacred Dance date back to the beginning of time. Most tribal cultures still maintain some type of Sacred Dance. It may be performed by shamans or tribal members depending on the intention behind the dance. Tribal cultures still maintain the connection to the earth. Whether it is conscious or unintentional, it still exists. Research has been done confirming the healing properties of this type of dance.

The form of Sacred Dance used in the Alchemy of Dance dates back to the High Priestesses of Dendara Temple north of Luxor, near Nag Hammadi, in Egypt. It is shown in the picture above. Dendara Temple is one of the few remaining temples in which priestesses practiced. It was a temple devoted to the worship of Hathor (Venus/Taurus/Mother Earth/the Sacred Cow/Empress). The word “Hat-hor” actually means “house of Horus.” Horus is the archetype of the Initiate/Hero/Spiritual Warrior/Fool/the Dancer. The house of Horus is where the initiate is gestated or is born/reborn/transformed; it is the alchemical vessel, the womb.

The priestesses of Dendara were well known for being alchemists, healers and sacred prostitutes. They followed the path of Isis (Virgo/High Priestess/the Sacred Prostitute/the Virgin). Isis served as a High Priestess for the neter Hathor (The word “neter” in the ancient Egyptian language, has been mistranslated by archeologists as “god” or “goddess.” The word “neter” actually means aspect, and can be used as archetype or vibration.) Behind Hathor’s Temple (shown below) is a smaller temple devoted to Isis.

Although the word prostitute now carries a negative connotation, it was then highly regarded as a path to enlightenment. These women exemplified the complete merging of the sexual/spiritual energy known as the kundilini or sekhem. Through their practices they were able to transform and heal. Once attaining a high level of mastery they were then able to initiate men through sacred sex.

Alchemy through dance is a very natural way of reuniting the sexual/spiritual energy for one good reason; you can feel it! We do this not just through movement, but by reconnecting to the original archetypes. In the first stage of the greater alchemical work of Universal Dancer (The Alchemy of Dance), we work to reunite the feminine aspects. We do this by invoking the energies of Isis and Nephthys, the two polarities of the feminine. This is why the first stage is only taught to women. The masculine polarity (Osirus) only exists here in spirit.

Once the feminine aspects unite, together they collect and “re-member”, or rebirth the masculine. Once this has happened, and the healing has occurred, then both the masculine and feminine are prepared for the sacred marriage. The Dance of the Sun and the Moon is the second path of the Universal Dancer.

Personally, this process unfolded for me (and continues to unfold) after an initiation in Luxor. In the first stages, I began to develop a sensitivity and attunement to the natural rhythms of the earth; this turned into movement, then the possibilities were endless. The process I teach in the Alchemy of Dance mirrors exactly the process I went through as it unfolded. I teach using this “divine” syllabus.

The initial connection to the earth is very grounding and healing on a purely physical level. Connecting to the earth in such away allows us to bring in energy as well as discharge unhealthy energy, a process well known to practitioners of yoga and martial arts. This basic process, on its own, can be used as a form of healing for ourselves or for others.

The movements used are very basic. What remains of this type of dance is very similar to modern day Middle Eastern or Belly Dancing. As with most esoteric knowledge, being shrouded in a playful or entertaining way has preserved it. What differs is that the Universal Dancer is danced for expression rather than performance. The similarities are on mainly the external or visible level. Although most Belly Dancers are not aware of the esoteric side of the dance, the engaging of this sexual energy can be quite obvious.

On the energetic level, the movements allow us to move the energy from the earth through our bodies and discharge it back to the earth. At this level, the energy loop is created between the woman and the earth. This is the first transmutation and it occurs in many ways. We are able to take the actual rhythm or pulsations emanating from the earth, the sine waves if you like, and amplify them through our bodies.

This is the same process used by musicians in playing or composing music. The musician is merely tapping into the earth rhythm and amplifying that wave on his instrument. In the case of Sacred Dance, the instrument is our body. Just as different waves may be played on different instruments, different waves resonate in different parts of our bodies. In time, we can play an entire piece of music (or mirror of the earth rhythm) on our bodies, allowing the different instruments to resonate in different parts of our bodies. This is a beautiful and wonderful experience, one that incorporates the dimension of sound into the experience as well.

We can use the music as the guide on our journey. But the journey can also be traveled in silence. It is not necessary to dance to external music. And like “intoning” the approaching but not releasing of sound may actually intensify the experience. We simply dance to whatever rhythm is emanating from the earth.  To do this takes a great deal of sensitivity, a sensitivity that can be acquired or developed. It is much simpler to just take a piece of music, which is already amplifying the rhythm, and dance to that. The process of “intoning” the dance has other lessons to teach us.

I came upon this experience by “chance.” One evening I was dancing and noticed that as I moved around the room I could feel different energy patterns emanating from the ground. Curious, I continued to move around the room. I realized that I could “dance the room.” I then did this with music as well and realized that every wave pattern was present in the music. It became easy to coordinate the energy pattern emanating from the room with the music and the movement. In this case, the energy pattern was the guide as it lead me through the space. The possibilities are infinite.

The dance can be described in many ways. It begins as a creative and fun process and moves to deeper and deeper levels as we begin to dance with intention and awareness. It is a meditative experience taking us to a place of “no-mind” in which we are completely detached and completely present at the same time. In this state of “no-mind” our intuition and awareness are heightened (very similar to the state women experience when we are pregnant).

The energy first moves though the legs to the root light center and then to the sacral center, hence the term “belly dancing.” The dance begins in the creative center or the vessel, the vessel for transmutation. The bringing in of the energy to the womb is preparing the matrix or primordial waters for a later “seeding” in which the masculine is born or reborn. Some of the movements are cleansing and purifying, some are energizing.

On the esoteric level, we begin as the Magician of the Tarot learning to manipulate the elements physically and energetically. Each element – fire, earth, water and air – has a specific movement. We begin by separating them out and experiencing each one on all levels so that we might KNOW them.

Each of the four movements has infinite aspects. They are related to specific archetypes, vibrations, elements, etc. Once we have access to this knowledge, we are able to use it to connect more deeply to the essence of the movement as well as invoke the power behind it. It is then that we are ready to recombine it back into the larger picture, the dance, so that each time we dance we are recreating the Universe in a moment.

For anyone who has not danced with the Universe, it is a beautiful and creative experience. Training will elevate the experience but anyone can peek behind the curtain. Just find some primal, tribal, heavy drum music; turn off the lights; and, like the bat, just follow your radar and fly!

Leslie Zehr has lived in Egypt for almost 20 years where she teaches dance to foreign as well as Egyptian women. Based on her experiences, she has developed this method of teaching dance and esoteric wisdom ( As well as teaching internationally, she works as a Holistic Therapist. She is a certified Aromatherapist, Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master with Diplomas in Homeopathy, Sandplay therapy and a B.S. in Psychology from Virginia Tech where she also studied Biochemistry. Her Shamanic work with plants has led her to develop a line of Egyptian Flower and Sacred Sites Remedies which hold the energy of Egypt herself and can be used for transformational and alchemical healing (

The Alchemy of Dance is a process of transformation by the transmutation of energy and spiritual awareness through movement. In this type of alchemy, the body, and more specifically the womb, becomes the alchemical vessel. This is merely the first phase of a larger process called the Universal Dancer, smaller cycles within a larger cycle creating the spiral to the infinite.

Once the feminine aspects unite, together they collect and “re-member”, or rebirth the masculine. Once this has happened, and the healing has occurred, then both the masculine and feminine are prepared for the sacred marriage. The Dance of the Sun and the Moon is the second path of the Universal Dancer.

For anyone who has not danced with the Universe, it is a beautiful and creative experience. Training will elevate the experience but anyone can peek behind the curtain. Just find some primal, tribal, heavy drum music; turn off the lights; and, like the bat, just follow your radar and fly!

Alchemical and New Scientific Approaches to the Concept of Transmutation

By Daniela Stefani Hansson



One of the most fascinating concepts to alchemists of all times is the Power of Transmutation. Many of us think of it as a natural outcome of a well-succeeded alchemical operation and it is also named as the “power” acquired by the adept who develops the tools to perform this operation. But as Paracelsus tells us, we are used to being satisfied knowing the name given to something instead of understanding its meaning. Therefore as alchemists, we must go forward. What is the real meaning of the so praised operation or alchemical power “Transmutation?“ What’s the signature hidden behind the concept?

The intention of this article is to approach the issue with an open mind, analyzing the case from two different prisms: from the eyes of an academic scientist facing the concept through a new emerging theory called Topological Geometrodynamics (TGD) and from the eyes of an alchemist used to incorporating the concept into his/her daily operations. You will perceive that truth comes from the eyes of the observer although the concept will always remain the same at a point where both sciences meet harmoniously at the present time.

This merging point is where the true adept shall focus his attention, perceiving that Reality, Life and all Universes are part of one single structure that once “discovered,” indeed, is capable of performing wonders and has infinite possibilities.

“Haec est totius Fortitudinis Fortitudo fortis, quia vincet Omnem rem subtilem, Omnemque Solidam penetrabit.” (“This is the greatest Force of all powers, because it overcomes every Subtle thing and penetrates every Solid thing.”) Tabula Smaragdina (The Emerald Tablet)

What Definitions Make the Concept of Transmutation Possible?

According to the new scientific approach that is emerging, the Universe is seen as a system of fully organized and systematic layers all interacting and merging with each other, and incorporated into the following basic concepts:

  • Many-sheeted space-time defines a hierarchy of space-time sheets.
  • There is a hierarchy of matter: ordinary matter, dark matter, and even more refined forms of matter becoming more and more quantal.
  • There is also a hierarchy in which matter is at the lowest level and higher levels define mind as cognitive representations about matter, cognitive representations about these, and so on – an entire hierarchy of consciousness about being conscious about being.
  • Therefore, the theory about a physical system and a theorizing mind becomes a theory that both are parts of a physical system rather than the system being built by some strange mind outside of the physical world.

Physicists incorporating the concepts of this new order affirm that it is possible to define these hierarchies in a rather precise manner physically and mathematically. This is a fantastic approach towards an alchemical acceptance of such controversial academic topics. In the alchemical world, this classification represents the different levels of development (from Lead to Gold) in a general sense. It affirms ancient concepts, translating them from knowledge of the past to present science. The hierarchy of various kinds of matter contains in principle an endless number of levels that can be regarded as increasingly refined forms of material existence. Let’s take a look at this hierarchy with a new scientific definition.

At the lowest level is ordinary matter. According to the prevailing materialistic dogma, this is the only level that is accepted to exist in the academic universe today. At the next level is dark matter whose particles differ in a subtle manner from those of ordinary matter so that dark matter can appear only in what is called Bose-Einstein condensates consisting of many particles (this is essential!) behaving as quantum coherent wholes and effectively defining particles of dark matter. One can also imagine that these Bose Einstein condensates of dark matter form further Bose-Einstein condensates – a kind of “dark, dark matter” – for which the Planck constant would be 2000*2000 (4 million) times larger and so on. We would have a hierarchy of more and more quantal, and at the same time mental, physical existences.

Within our current academic knowledge, super conductors and laser beams are basic examples of Bose-Einstein condensates. It is, however, not yet clear whether they can be regarded as “partially dark matter.” Also, atoms can transform into dark atoms and form Bose-Einstein condensates consisting of large number of dark atoms; a super atom could be an appropriate name for this zoomed out or scaled up atom.

It is quintessential to have blobs of matter with quantal properties; only this allows an understanding of the non-predictable and coherent behavior of living matter using quantum physics. The essential point is that the Planck constant is much larger for dark matter than for ordinary matter (by a factor about 2000 or power of this). This means that length and time scales for coherent quantal behavior are much longer and quantity does not reduce to randomness.

Also, the physicists in the scientific establishment are now perfectly aware that the “dark matter” exists simply because it creates gravitational fields. They do not have, however, any consensus about what it really is, how it interacts with ordinary matter, and how to detect it. This is where the merging point with alchemy takes place. My dear colleagues in the Alchemical Path know that “dark matter” corresponds to the Prima Materia of alchemists. At the quantum level, dark matter controls the behavior of visible matter and serves as the intentional agent.

How Are Dark Matter and Visible Matter Related?

Dark matter controls the visible matter in living systems. Here an Arcanum is revealed in its simplest form. There are rather detailed models of how this interaction happens being developed by scientists of the so called “New Age Sphere” in conjunction with alchemists. A model for the simplest life forms is plasmoids that consist of simple rotating magnetic field configurations containing negatively charged plasma. This model explains all the basic aspects of bio-molecular systems and living cells and, therefore, is very difficult to understand in the framework of ordinary chemistry.

Let’s look at the case from an alchemical point of view. Beneath all the diversity we may encounter among the treatises of our ancient Masters, there is one obscure identity. In order to perform the Magnus Opus, they all start by taking the substance named “Prima Materia” and subjecting it to a series of operations to obtain the final Product which we know as the Stone. This Stone, however named or described, is always a substance that represents the perfection of the original first matter and its qualities invariably are such as those that pertain to a living being, not an inanimate mass. In a word, the interaction can only be possible by Transmutation; that is, taking a “dead substance” – impure, powerless, valueless – and transmuting it into a live, active and invaluable being. Here, the First Meaning of the concept comes forth: “Transmutation does not change the nature of its subject but brings it to its utmost state of manifestation.” Literally, alchemy is the Science of Perfection.

The First Arcanum of Transmutation: Operations

(Geometric Time; Experienced Time, and the Alchemists’ Time)

Time is the key of evolution. Evolution is the sphere where perfection can be conceived. Therefore, the detailed mechanism of intentional action (our “secret fire”) involves essentially the new view about time that can be summarized by saying in the scientific view that there are two times.

There is the geometric time of physicists that is like a fourth space coordinate. We are essentially 4-dimensional beings. Our conscious experience and our cherished beliefs create the illusion that we correspond to a single time, a constant snapshot (aboriginals who have not learned Newtonian physics however live in dream time without any clear borderline between past, future, and now). For instance, when I remember something, I experience my geometric past; I “see” into the geometric past which is part of me. Actually, the mechanism of this seeing is the same as in the case of ordinary seeing in which light is reflected from a material body; now, it is time reflected from the brain of the geometric past. I can also directly re-experience past events. I am speaking about episodic or sensory memories. The case of the phantom limb, in which a person experiences pain in limb he has lost years ago, is a good example of this. I can also “see” into the geometric future since I can predict roughly what will happen tomorrow and this is seeing into the direction of future in a 4-dimensional landscape.

The second time is experienced time consisting of a sequence of quantum jumps, moments of consciousness, serving as “elementary particles of consciousness.” Usually these two times are identified, or seen as the same, but this is wrong. For experienced time, there is no future, only the past and now whereas, for geometric time, all three exist. Geometric time is reversible; the laws of physics with respect to geometric time would allow running the film backwards. This cannot occur with respect to subjective or experienced time. In our conscious experience, these two times are closely related and this explains why physicists have been led to the wrong identification of these times.

From the perspective of alchemists, adepts and possessors of another line of concepts, I would like to seek for some hints in what is possibly the earliest surviving alchemical manuscript, “Isis the Prophetess to Her Son Horus,” found in the Codex Marcianus, a medieval (11th century) collection of Greek fragments. We are now prepared to see the nature of the transmutation at the core of alchemy. Transmutation is not a single tool or consequence involving a personal or local effect to our environment. It is a three-fold operation, involving the nature of time, and “the times” in a completely unique way.

As the secret was passed down through the various forms, the information fragmented. In this way, some initiates received only the internal and transformational processes without the full understanding of how the parts related to the whole of the ancient science. The most guarded secret was that of time itself, and the secret of all secrets, according to the Builder texts at Edfu, involved the beginning and end of “time.”

This has to be revealed to each one of us. But Ancient Masters have given us hints about it. Law of the Universe Number 1: You Exist! Pay attention to the revelation herein. This leads us to ONE time sheet where all transmutation is possible in literally infinite ways. The alchemist must “move” to this sphere in order to accomplish the Great Work. Only within this time can the Prima Materia be manipulated at Will.

Time Mirror Mechanism as a Mechanism of Intentional Action

Going back to scientific layout, one can say that dark matter, as an intentional agent, expresses its desire to make something happen by sending a signal in the direction of geometric past. Dark matter is like a boss expressing its desire to a lower level boss who in turn does the same to even lower level bosses and ultimately these sub-desires reach those who must really do something. These signals, expressing a desire, are what physicists call a “phase conjugate laser beam” consisting of negative energy dark photons. Negative energy is equivalent to the property of traveling backwards in geometric time.

In the geometric past, a time reflection that is geometrically completely analogous to the ordinary reflection from a mirror occurs and the beam is reflected back in time from a “time mirror” as a positive energy laser beam of dark photons. This beam interacts with ordinary matter and is responsible for the desired physical effects. As an example, the brain patterns of nerve pulses initiating some motor actions could be the outcome.

What makes this mechanism so elegant is that there is no delay in geometric time; a system can react instantaneously by initiating the action that is already in the geometric past. To identify geometric and experienced time and to react to a dangerous situation already existing in geometric yesterday certainly sounds like science fiction and even bizarre.

The time mirror mechanism also defines a mechanism called remote metabolism. Suppose some part of the body needs energy immediately in a crisis so there is no time to send nerve pulses to brain which would make some bureaucratic decision and possibly decide to accept the application of the body part and send commands initiating the transfer of energy. What the body part can do instead is to send negative energy dark photons to the geometric past where a system able to receive this negative energy exists. Since energy is conserved, the body part gets a positive “recoil energy.” In a more refined arrangement, the negative energy signal serves only as a request inducing emission of a large positive energy signal from the geometric past. All this happens practically instantaneously and with extreme flexibility.

In the alchemical approach, the mirror effect is in place. By working in the correct time sheet, we learn to experience the fact that physical reality is literally “nothing” – NO THING. What we call gross matter is simply the reflection of the vibrations sent by the primary system of existence.  This “mirror” of complex and holographic functioning systems that is the Core and focus of the mass becomes the alchemist’s playground. Perceiving this statement gives an understanding of the scientific approach above. Here is a simple analogy: look at your mirror and smile. How long it takes for the reflected image to “smile back” to you? Does it occur in the future? Would there be any reflection if you were not standing at the front of the mirror? Could the reflection smile at you first?

The Operation of the Sun involves and requires the understanding of an ultimate truth about time and existence. It is without exasperation the simplest and most fascinating concept included in our line of study.

Transmutations and Nuclear Alchemy

For those who still assume that transmutation in alchemy means changes in chemical properties, let’s take a look at this. Chemical properties certainly change if the atomic nuclei change their nuclear charge, determined by the number of protons in nucleus (there are also neutrons). This process is now rather convincingly shown to occur in cold fusion at room temperatures. This is impossible according to the standard nuclear physics dogma and this raised a violent opposition in the past so that only now is cold fusion science getting the status of serious consideration.

The transformation of ordinary matter, such as palladium (Pd) used in cold fusion experiments into what can be called “partially dark matter,” would make possible transmutations. Atomic nuclei contain protons and neutrons. In cold fusion experiments, protons inside the nuclei of a palladium target bombarded by ordinary deuterium (D) nuclei would be transformed into a dark matter phase in which they have a large value of Planck constant (at least about 2000 times larger than normally).

This means that dark protons have a large Compton length (that is quantum size) on the order of atomic size .1 nanometers instead of the ordinary proton size of about .000001 nanometers. These dark protons overlap and combine to form larger units, a type of super proton with the outcome being blobs of dark proton matter consisting perhaps of protons of hundreds or thousands of nuclei. For the neutrons of the palladium nuclei this need not happen so that it is better to talk about partially dark matter.

In this phase, protons can be said to form a single super proton, and one cannot say which proton belongs to which nucleus. Therefore, when the transition to ordinary matter occurs, the protons can be shared in a new manner. Some nuclei get more protons than they had as the palladium nucleus and some get less. Completely new elements can appear.

Cold fusion reaction is different from this and is made possible by the absence of a strong repulsive electromagnetic interaction between deuterium nuclei and dark deuterium attached to palladium since the ordinary proton of deuterium nucleus is at a different space-time sheet, or in a “different world,” than the dark protons of the target deuteriumattached to palladium and palladium nuclei. This is only a part of the story and transmutation is perhaps the more interesting concept since it would make living matter a “natural alchemist” able to some degree to synthesize the nuclei it needs. Nuclear transmutations have indeed been observed in both experiments as well as in living matter.

“Electronic Alchemy” May Also Be Possible

Many-sheeted space-time also allows a possibility of chemical transmutations in which atomic nuclei are not changed but the electronic clouds of atoms change. This hypothesis can be proposed as the original explanation of ORMEs.

This “electronic alchemy” could be achieved by the dropping of valence electrons of the atom from the atomic space-time sheet to some larger space-time sheet. Presumably, the dropping of the same number of protons would also be required. These dropped protons and electrons would behave like dark matter. This would mean that the atom would behave like an atom with a full electronic shell (noble gas without practically any chemical interactions with respect to ordinary chemistry, but somewhat like the original atom with respect to dark matter interactions.)

Also other options can be imagined and I believe that there is a very rich spectrum of possibilities waiting to be discovered, but it takes time before theorists are matured enough to take seriously the possibility that we understand only the rudiments of the forms of matter in every day length scales.


For we alchemists, it is indeed important to understand that the concept of Transmutation is feasible and has been seen as a topic worth of real experiment and academic interest. We look forward to following up on academic and scientific developments and hope that it will lead to a more comfortable interaction between the very controversial worlds that divides brilliant minds.

Although, as an alchemist, I will finish this work with an alchemical approach, seeing the Universe in simple concepts (after all simplicity is all that it is in the end of the multi-complex labyrinth of this marvelous Path we choose to follow.)

The guidelines for understanding Alchemical Transmutation are:

  • There is One Power named Transmutation and it is the key of all.
  • It is the accomplishment of the Great Work and the operation of the Stone.
  • Adepts Can and Will perform it.
  • Time is the secret agent.
  • Evolution is the missing scientific link.
  • “To make gold, you must have gold.”
  • Transmutation is the ultimate power of the Adept Alchemist.
  • It affects ALL levels of what we know as REALITY.
  • It brings forth eternal Perfection.
  • Change is the only constant of the full Operation.

“Sic Mundus creatus est. Hinc erunt Adaptationes Mirabiles, quarum Modus est hic.” (In this way was the Universe created. From this comes many wondrous Applications, because this is the Pattern.) – Tabula Smaragdina (The Emerald Tablet)


  1. “Time, Space-time and Consciousness” at Helsinki Physics website at tries to give a summary about new view of time and space-time.
  2. “Quantum Coherent Dark Matter and Bio-systems as Microscopic Quantum Systems” at summarizes the recent still developing view about the role of dark matter in living systems.
  3. Kervran, C.L. Biological Transmutations. Swan House Publishing Co.1972
  4. Storms, Edmund. “Cold Fusion: An Objective Assessment”. 2001. At
  5. Bridges. Vincent. “The Gnostic Science of Alchemy”. 1999. At
  6. Crowley, Aleister; Magick: Liber Aba: Book 4, Samuel Weiser, MN, 1994.
  7. Three Initiates, The Kybalion: A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece, Yogi Publication Society, 1940.


Daniela Stefani Hansson lives in Gotaland in Sweden. She is a practicing Master Alchemist and a graduate of the Alchemy Home Study Program. Her email is [email protected]. The photograph illustrating this article was taken by Geneviēve Lucette. It is unretouched and unfiltered, and taken during her spiritual retreat in Florida July 29, 2001. The photo relates to the Art of Transmutation and belongs to her Mystical Art Collection. To schedule a presentation, please contact: [email protected] . 

At the lowest level is ordinary matter. According to the prevailing materialistic dogma, this is the only level that is accepted to exist in the academic universe today. At the next level is dark matter whose particles differ in a subtle manner from those of ordinary matter so that dark matter can appear only in what is called Bose-Einstein condensates consisting of many particles (this is essential!) behaving as quantum coherent wholes and effectively defining particles of dark matter. One can also imagine that these Bose Einstein condensates of dark matter form further Bose-Einstein condensates – a kind of “dark, dark matter” – for which the Planck constant would be 2000*2000 (4 million) times larger and so on. We would have a hierarchy of more and more quantal, and at the same time mental, physical existences.

For those who still assume that transmutation in alchemy means changes in chemical properties, let’s take a look at this. Chemical properties certainly change if the atomic nuclei change their nuclear charge, determined by the number of protons in nucleus (there are also neutrons). This process is now rather convincingly shown to occur in cold fusion at room temperatures. This is impossible according to the standard nuclear physics dogma and this raised a violent opposition in the past so that only now is cold fusion science getting the status of serious consideration.

For we alchemists, it is indeed important to understand that the concept of Transmutation is feasible and has been seen as a topic worth of real experiment and academic interest. We look forward to following up on academic and scientific developments and hope that it will lead to a more comfortable interaction between the very controversial worlds that divides brilliant minds.

New Releases

Maranatha: Et in Arcadia Ego

Reviewed by Dennis William Hauck

ISBN 0954993802. Priory Publications, 2005. Pbk. 80 pp. $14.95

<< To order this book online, click on bookcover.

Several months ago, I was contacted by a researcher at Priory Publications for information on Nicholas Flamel for a new project they were undertaking. Actually, Priory Publications GB Ltd. is composed of a small group of people, whose sole purpose in creating Priory Publications is to self publish a series of puzzle books dealing with Flamel’s work. The first in the series is the book Maranatha – Et in Arcadia Ego.

In my dealings with them, they seemed a cordial, although secretive group, and made a point of acknowledging my assistance on the third page of the finished product. However, this is not an alchemy book in any normal sense. It is really a unique little puzzle book. According to the publishers, within this book is hidden a key which will unlock a genuine historic mystery. What is even more intriguing is that the first person to solve the puzzle and submit the key will be awarded a prize of 1,000,000 pounds sterling (approximately 1.8 million dollars US). The contest is slated to run for only five months, and someone will “definitely” win the prize. Additionally, one-third of any profit we make will be donated to registered charities.


In general, “Maranatha” refers to the apocalypse and is treated in Revelations 13 in the Bible. I am not sure what that means in relation to the puzzle. The real answer lies in the 50 pages of coded text in the book, which suggests it originates with the fabled “Book of Abraham” that Flamel found. There are also fascinating alchemical drawings with planetary-metals symbols.

It sounds like a lot of fun, even without the prize. The whole of alchemy contains much coded material, and it is very much a giant puzzle itself. However, I am not part of this project and have not seen any references to a trust fund or other financial backing that can be checked easily. They say they have an investor backing them, and they better have, because a lot of people are going to put a lot of hard work into this. I have no reason not to trust them, and although I have opted out of solving the puzzle myself, I think the exercise itself might be fruitful..

So in essence, Priory Publications is offering entertainment, a very large prize, and

helping out charities — all in addition to any alchemical enlightenment the reader may happen upon. Not bad, really. To find out more about the book, visit Direct any questions on this project to [email protected].

Here is a collection of official press release about this project:


“Duncan Burden, co-author of Maranatha was part of a research team who discovered the secrets of the Da Vinci Codes and uncovered the Holy Grail. Sounds crazy I know and I felt the same when he approached us to act as their PR company. However the forthcoming launch of the book Maranatha with pre orders of 130,000 and prize of £1,000,000 for the first person to solve a number of codes in the book, which is based on fact not fiction.”

“A dedicated team of amateur super sleuths and religious detectives has finally broken the codes of the Da Vinci secrets and the Holy Grail. A team of 9 researchers including Duncan Burden from Priory Publications in Lowestoft, are about to launch a revolutionary book that will rewrite the fundamental foundation of all religions, revealing and authenticating the most important secret in the history of creation. Combining restricted religious documents, historical artifacts and a trail of coded evidence, this book will assist the readers to discover for themselves the hidden key that will unlock the mystery of the Holy Grail.”

“Intrigue and speculation has surrounded the book, Maranatha, due for release 29th October 2005. This book will unveil true historical facts linked to a series of encoded clues, for within its pages there is a secret, which has been protected for more than a thousand years by some of the most powerful people in the world. The value of this prize has cost the lives of many who have strayed in its path, for it is the key to the greatest treasures known to the world.

“The first person to break the coded sections will not only release this revelation to the world but also receive £1,000,000 in prize money. Duncan Burden, co-author of the book, said at a recent interview: ‘as a member of the research team, which included a Catholic and an Anglican Priest, having access to material not openly available to the general public, whilst investigating a particular artifact we actually uncovered what we had all been searching for, for over a decade.’

“When asked about the discovery Mr. Burden went on to say: ‘It was an incredible moment when we found the answer to all our questions, finally years of searching had paid off. We wanted to get this historical secret out to the general public and toyed with various ways of doing it but eventually decided on creating a kind of puzzle book. Finding the answer was just as important as the quest to find it, although we understood the connotations this revelation would have and the shock waves it would create throughout all religions worldwide.'”

“Speculation has survived a thousand years and Maranatha is not offering theory, it is serving up fact in large doses. Any one can win the prize money without prior knowledge of the subject matter, history, the Da Vinci Code or any of the speculative theories surrounding the Holy Grail. All the clues are in the pages of the book. This prize is designed to be won, and claimed, and for the secret of the ‘Key’ to be, at last, released to the public. To ensure that someone will succeed, clues will be given on the Maranatha website, until the secret is out, and upon that hour the world can look in the sacred casket and finally learn of what has been kept hidden for centuries.”


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  • Free eBook Om Yoga: Its Theory and Practice by Swami Nirmalananda Giri is an in-depth book on the practice of Om Meditation, an ancient alchemical meditation in Hinduism. Download from:
  • Writers Wanted! The Alchemy Journal is looking for articles on any aspect of alchemy, including biographies, historical material, practical laboratory work, spagyric recipes, philosophical pieces, poetry, experiences in personal transformation, spiritual insights, Hermeticism, Gnosticism, book reviews, film and video reviews, website reviews, artwork, etc. Please submit your material or queries via email to [email protected].

Send your announcements to the Alchemy Journal.

Feedback from Our Readers

I was reading an article in the current issue of Esquire (November 2005)

which made me think of you (probably because I’m reading Sorcerer’s Stone now too). The article is called “Greetings From Idiot America” (an insult isn’t coming, I swear) by Charles P. Pierce. The article is about the Creationist movement that is influencing politics and successfully putting science on the defensive in some cases. The article features a walk-through of the new Creationist museum which explains how Noah fit the dinosaurs on the ark with all of the other animals — it’s a laugh riot. But the part that struck me is how this movement is trying its best to force science into accommodating the Christian belief system (as opposed to the belief system making adjustments to accommodate scientific discoveries that may undermine some tenants of the faith). You point out that Alchemy involves faith as much as science and I’m wondering what the face of science and faith will look like in coming years if this movement continues to wield political influence and successfully changes history and science books in the classroom. Though Alchemy is completely different than what is happening now, I saw an intriguing shadow behind all of this — kind of a twisted, modern, misguided Christian evangelized form of Alchemy. I thought I’d pass it on if you should pass by an Esquire magazine sometime in the near future. Interesting viewpoint. – Jeff Belanger,[email protected]

For those of you who take an interest in the work of C. G. Jung, the Philemon Foundation is embarking upon a thirty program of publication to print, in its entirety, the corpus of Jung’s work. This will include an additional 30 volumes, beyond the 21 volumes originally put out there by the Bollingen Foundation, and now kept in print by the Princeton University Press. It should be noted that there have been for many years, acknowledged glaring omissions, and errors, in the well known Bollingen Foundation renditions of Jung’s works, and that we have not yet seen the entirety of Jung’s depth through an unclouded lens. Philemon estimates that tens of thousands of pages of new material will be made available as this project continues, and that our final assessment of Jung’s importance has yet to be made in light of the tremendous lacuna that these omissions indicate. They are looking for donations, in any amount, no matter how small, from individuals or organizations who have an interest in preserving and disseminating the teachings of Jung. Pass this along to anybody whom you think might be interested. The URL: – Herman B. Triplegood, [email protected]

Send your comments to Alchemy Journal.


From the Editor (by Duane Saari)

Throughout history, alchemists have worked quietly, most of the time secretly, in their laboratories. Yet, during some historical eras, they were known to many. The Egyptian era around 1,500 to 1,000 B.C. comes to mind. Another is medieval Europe. Individual alchemists were openly consulted by pharaohs and kings. While the people living during these times who benefited most from the work of alchemists were from the upper social strata, being an alchemist was accepted as a trade or a calling. In other times, like today, the alchemist is considered by most as a figment of imagination, a character in fantasy books and movies, and alchemical positions do not appear in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. So, just how do alchemists make a living today?

Because I know alchemists actually exist in the real world outside the books and movies recently created about them, it was intriguing to explore this question. My imagining took me down a wandering road as it usually does and led me to my next significant question to wrestle with as it always does. I would like to share some of that trip with you.

Certainly, some alchemists labor in small private laboratories while working for an organization in a more traditional position. Others, write, lecture and teach. There are healers who have created medicines from alchemical procedures and focus their efforts helping others with health issues. Some may spend full time doing large scale research on the application of alchemical knowledge and processes to new products and capabilities. It is this latter possibility that both excites and concerns me.

There is evidence of this type of research and application in ancient times on Mt. Horeb in the Sinai Peninsula. This mountain known as Serabit el Khadum today, when first surveyed by the British archaeologist Petrie in 1904, was discovered to contain a mine, a metallurgical laboratory and an Egyptian Temple. Among many other artifacts that he photographed, Petrie found a storeroom full of a mysterious white powder. Petrie’s book, based on his expedition is out of print and most of the artifacts he photographed are still not available to the public. However, subsequent researchers are convinced that this site was an alchemical laboratory that created the White Powder of Gold for Egyptian pharaohs during a period of 1,500 years going back to nearly 3,000 B.C. This Powder has been portrayed in Egyptian hieroglyphics and described as giving the pharaoh who ingested it a long, healthy life and; if he practiced the spiritual discipline required of his position, eternal life as well.

What is exciting for me is my belief that this knowledge was passed from adept to adept, culture to culture throughout history and is now available in our time. Ancient alchemical texts refer to the Philosopher’s Stone in many forms; one is a powder of gold. In Secrets Revealed, the 17th century philosopher and alchemist, Eirenaeus Philalethes discussed the nature of the Philosopher’s Stone which was commonly thought to transmute base metal into gold. However, Philalethes wrote that the Stone was made from gold, and that the purpose of the Art was to perfect the process: “Our Stone is nothing but gold digested to the highest degree of purity and subtle fixation. It is called a stone by virtue of its fixed nature; it resists the action of fire as successfully as any stone. In species it is gold, more pure than the purest; it is fixed and incombustible like a stone, but its appearance is that of a very fine powder.” Earlier, in the 15th century a French chemist, Nicolas Flamel, wrote that when the noble metal was perfectly prepared, it made a fine “powder of gold,” which is the Philosopher’s Stone.

White Powder of Gold is being produced today. Much of this work is based on David Hudson’s discovery in 1976 of an ore found on his Arizona ranch that had amazing properties, some of same that have been attributed to the Philosopher’s Stone. Hudson actually received several patents for processes he developed to convert the ore into Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements (ORMEs). Copies of his patents are now available on the Web as are ORME related products produced and offered by a variety of organizations. Some research and study into the characteristics and capabilities of ORMEs and related monatomic chemicals purport to confirm their wondrous properties: levitation, staggering amounts of energy, ability to affect DNA in positive ways and intriguing modification of the space time continuum. Today, these characteristics are the properties of superconductors which were unknown when Hudson first examined the ore on his Arizona ranch. It is not a very involved stretch of our imagination to realize that research on a global scale in well funded programs examining superconductors and monatomic elements is currently underway now.

And this is where my concern raises its unusually alarming head. Is this work being done with the process and procedure that leads to the Philosopher’s Stone? I believe not. The alchemist’s way required a knowledge of the materials and processes used by nature combined with the realization that the alchemist was an integral part of the creative process. Masters, Adepts and even students of alchemy know that the Stone is only achieved if the alchemist understands that he or she is part of the laboratory process and procedures; realizes that the perfection of the First Matter happens as the alchemist perfects himself or herself; accepts the enormous responsibility he or she has to all of nature by participating in this work. This is a responsibility to mankind. The ultimate goal is the beneficial development and evolution of nature that included the three primary aspects of mankind – the physical, the soul, and the spirit. This is why one of the names of the Stone is the Universal Medicine. While this knowledge and perspective was achieved through individual revelation, alchemists also knew it was only understood through application that was guided by a knowledgeable Master. This responsibility and participation in the creative process was discarded by the scientific revolution of the 16thand 17th centuries. Taking the practitioner out of the process and being objective was the new goal and even seen as the ultimate responsibility of practitioners of the scientific method. To the scientist steeped in his method, it is enough to create. The decision on whether or not the creation is beneficial is for others to make and the responsibility therefore lies outside the creative scientific process.

This is my concern. We have the transformative knowledge of our ancient ancestors that has been passed down to us through alchemists and others in the Hermetical underground stream. That knowledge is seeping into our culture and society, and is now being explored by scientists. My imaginative trip left me with the following questions: Where is the practice of the spiritual responsibility of the alchemists being guarded and promoted today? Who are the keepers and teachers of this tradition? Has the awesome responsibility of being a co-creator with Nature been passed down to us as well? What are the unavoidable results if it has not?


Submit your articles on any aspect of alchemy. We are looking for biographies, historical articles, practical laboratory work, spagyric recipes, philosophical pieces, experiences in personal transformation, spiritual insights, Hermeticism, Gnosticism, book reviews, film and video reviews, website reviews, artwork, etc. Please submit your material or queries via email to [email protected]

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The Alchemy Journal is published quarterly at the annual solstices and equinoxes. Issues are posted at the Alchemy Lab website on the journal archives page at This page also contains a Directory of Past Issues and an Index of Articles. To subscribe to the journal, simply send a blank email to [email protected]

Alchemy Resources

But the part that struck me is how this movement is trying its best to force science into accommodating the Christian belief system (as opposed to the belief system making adjustments to accommodate scientific discoveries that may undermine some tenants of the faith). You point out that Alchemy involves faith as much as science and I’m wondering what the face of science and faith will look like in coming years if this movement continues to wield political influence and successfully changes history and science books in the classroom.

There is evidence of this type of research and application in ancient times on Mt. Horeb in the Sinai Peninsula. This mountain known as Serabit el Khadum today, when first surveyed by the British archaeologist Petrie in 1904, was discovered to contain a mine, a metallurgical laboratory and an Egyptian Temple. Among many other artifacts that he photographed, Petrie found a storeroom full of a mysterious white powder. Petrie’s book, based on his expedition is out of print and most of the artifacts he photographed are still not available to the public. However, subsequent researchers are convinced that this site was an alchemical laboratory that created the White Powder of Gold for Egyptian pharaohs during a period of 1,500 years going back to nearly 3,000 B.C. This Powder has been portrayed in Egyptian hieroglyphics and described as giving the pharaoh who ingested it a long, healthy life and; if he practiced the spiritual discipline required of his position, eternal life as well