Personal Alchemy – Suggested Books
Personal Alchemy
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Personal Transformation
SORCERER’S STONE (A Beginner’s Guide to Alchemy) is the first basic primer on this subject, in which alchemy’s secrets and powers made accessible to everyone with the desire to experience physical, mental, and spiritual transformation. By providing clear explanations, moving meditations, and hands-on experiments making tinctures and elixirs, this beautifully illustrated guide passes on the knowledge and creative energy of alchemy’s magnificent discipline—sending a golden arc of learning from thousands of years in the past into your life today. Hauck presents a fascinating history of alchemy – from the ancient Emerald Tablet to modern quantum chemistry – and elaborates on its arcane principles in an intimate, conversational way that anyone can understand. His portrayals of individual alchemists (like Flamel, Fulcanelli, and Isaac Newton) bring them alive and show how they built on each other’s work through an “Underground River” of secret knowledge passed down through the ages. Citadel Press, June 2004. Illustrated; 240 pages. ISBN 0-8065-2545-2. $12.95. To order online, click on bookcover. More Information.
The Emerald Tablet: Alchemy for Personal Transformation
This book details the rediscovery of the mysterious artifact and reveals the chemical-spiritual formula hidden in its lines. Also contained are the alchemists’ startling predictions for the new millennium and chapters on the mystical and paranormal experiences that reflect the deep changes undergone by people who have actually seen the hidden reality of which the tablet speaks. Penguin 1999. ISBN 0140195718. Illustrated; indexed; 448 pp. $16.95. Item #888. To order online, click on bookcover. More Information
The Mythic Path: Discovering the Guiding Stories of Your Past
Whether we are aware of it or not, our personal mythology organizes our lives. This book, by psychologists David Feinstein and Stanley Krippner, shows us how to transform our mythology to transform ourselves at the deepest level of our being. Putnam 1997. ISBN 0874778573. 316 pp. $17.95. To order online, click on bookcover.
Hymns to an Unknown God: Awakening Spirit in Everyday Life
This book shows people how they can read their everyday lives like sacred texts to free them from the constraints of organized religion, personal neuroses, and self-deception and guide them to ultimate spiritual reality. This is very practical guidebook with penetrating insights into the connection between sexuality and spirit, that even provides some sample rituals for connecting with the Above. Bantam Books 1995. ISBN 0553375172. $13.95. To order online – click on the bookcover.
Ordinary Magic: Everyday Life As Spiritual Path
This inspiring collection of essays shows how mindfulness allows us to see the hidden First Matter, the magical potential of all things. Contributors include Ram Dass, Allen Ginsberg, Thich Nhat Hanh, Natalie Goldberg, and J. Krishnamurti. Shambhala Publications 1992. ISBN 0877735972. 338 pp. $17.00. To order online – click on bookcover.
Transmission: A Meditation for the New Age
This book offers a unique combination of personal and planetary alchemy. Using the group meditations provided, the student changes within while the outside world is transformed too. The methods are really precise manipulations of the First Matter energies, and the goal is to perfect the individual while healing the world. Tara Center 1998. ISBN 9071484173. 204 pp. $11.00. To order online, click on bookcover.
Mysticism of Now: The Art of Being Alive
This meditation book shows how students can enter the spiritual kingdom through their everyday lives by using the alchemy of awareness. Author Rafael Catala shows how to achieve the mystical life without having to go to a mountaintop and give up all worldly ties. Acropolis Books 1998. ISBN 1889051195. 208 pp. $13.95. To order this book online – click on bookcover.
As this book shows, meditation is important because it brings a state of conscious awareness, a condition of being rather than doing. This is pure, alchemistic meditation that connects us to the hidden presence, the First Matter all around us. Hyperion 1995. ISBN 0786880708. $13.95. To order online – click on bookcover.
The Mystic Way of Radiant Love: Alchemy for a New Creation
This book is a journey to the center of the soul, the “narrow gate” that leads to Heaven on earth through the alchemical process of Fermentation. John Francis, founder of the Center for Mystical Theology, takes a radical, new look at many of the mysterious verses of the Hebrew Bible and New Testament. What emerges is a hidden dimension of Holy Scripture that can guide us into the higher alchemy of our souls. Heart Blossom 1998. ISBN 1886063001. $8.88.
Alchemy Reference Guide
This handbook is an invaluable tool for those seeking to understand the profound and mysterious art of alchemy. It contains a comprehensive dictionary of alchemical terms, guide to alchemical ciphers and symbols, charts of alchemical correspondences, and a free downloadable TrueType alchemy font set with key code chart. ISBN 0-9637914-6-X 5×9-Booklet. $5.95. Item #847.
This book offers a way of Christian contemplation that incorporates Eastern meditation with Christian mysticism. That combination offers some powerful alchemical tools for transformation. Fordham University Press 1997. ISBN 0823218015. 225 pp. $16.50. To order online – click on bookcover.
Earthfire: A Tale of Transformation
by Robert Simmons
Paperback – 314 pages (2000)
Heaven & Earth Books; ISBN: 0962191027
The Fashioning of Angels : Partnership As Spiritual Practice
by Stephen Larsen, Robin Larsen
Paperback – 260 pages (2000)
Swedenborg Foundation; ISBN: 0877853908
Alchemy of Opposites
by Rodolfo Scarfallota
Paperback – 285 pages (1997)
New Falcon Publications; ISBN: 1561840858
Emotional Alchemy : How the Mind Can Heal the Heart
by Tara Bennett-Goleman
Hardcover – 341 pages (2001)
Harmony Books; ISBN: 0609607529
Freedom : Alchemy for a Voluntary Society
by Stephan Hoeller
Paperback – 245 pages (1992)
Theosophical Publishing House; ISBN: 0835606783
The Alchemist’s Handbook
by John Randolph Price
Paperback – 117 pages ( 2000)
Hay House; ISBN: 1561707473
The Alchemy of Transformation
by Lee Lozowick, Regina Sara Ryan (Editor)
Paperback – 185 pages (1996)
Hohm Press; ISBN: 0934252629
Anatomy of the Psyche: Alchemical Symbolism in Psychotherapy
by Edward Edinger
Paperback – 284 pages (1991)
Open Court Publishing Company; ISBN: 0812690095
Jung and the Alchemical Imagination
by Jeffrey Raff
Paperback – 288 pages (2000)
Nicolas Hays; ISBN: 0892540451
The Science of Alchemy: A Treatise on the Science of Soul-Transmutation
by A.S. Raleigh
Paperback (1997)
Kessinger Publishing; ISBN: 1564590070
The Speculative Art of Alchemy: A Text Book on the Art of Self-Regeneration
by A.S. Raleigh
Paperback (1997)
Kessinger Publishing; ISBN: 1564590062
Mental Alchemy or the Wonders of Thought Force
by Hashnu O. Hara
Paperback 1909 (Reprint 1997)
Kessinger Publishing; ISBN: 1564597482
The Mystery of Human Relationship : Alchemy and the Transformation of Self
by Nathan Schwartz-Salant
Paperback – 256 pages (1998)
Routledge; ISBN: 0415153891
The Tower of Alchemy : An Advanced Guide to the Great Work
by David Goddard
Paperback – 288 pages (1999)
Samuel Weiser; ISBN: 1578631130
Meditation Guides and Posters
The Book of Meditation: The Complete Guide to Modern Meditation
This book offers a survey of meditation techniques from the “how to” perspective. Its practical approach is perfect for beginners, who are often put off by the mystical aspects of the art. Penguin 1998. ISBN 1862042365. 352 pp. $19.95. To order online – click on bookcover.
Mandala: Luminous Symbols for Healing
This full-color art book uses fractal-like images to produce sacred mandalas to be used as transformative tools in meditation. The author also provides guided visualizations and meditations that lead to dramatic alchemical changes in consciousness. Quest Books 1995. ISBN 0835607100. 154 pp. 50 color plates; 50 illustrations. $25.95. To order online – click on bookcover.
Meditation Mandalas and Posters from ETX
Azoth of the Philosophers
This stunning mandala depicts the seven steps in the Emerald Formula. Over 500 years old, the engraving uses genuine alchemical imagery and associated colors. The alchemists meditated on this drawing to incorporate the corresponding powers within them. Available in 8×10-inch full color print on card stock ($4.95 Item #769A), 18×18-inch medium poster ($14.95 Item 769B), and giant 28×28-inch size ($44.95 Item 769C). Order online now!
Tabula Smaragdina (“The Emerald Tablet”)
This beautiful graphic depiction of the principles of the Emerald Tablet is said to contain all the symbols of alchemy, as well as convey the dynamics of all the major operations. Intended for work with the powers of the Above and Below in alchemistic meditation, it is a powerful tool for transformation. Available in 8×10-inch full color print on card stock ($4.95 Item 770A), 18×24-inch medium poster ($14.95 Item 770B), and giant 27×36-inch size ($44.95 Item 770C). Order online now!